mental health as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with modern stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to community. Without purity of body and mind spiritual clarity tends to elude a person. As one proceeds progressively from perception of the body to that of the subtlest level of human functioning then the effect of that purification or regulation naturally percolates into the rest of the system, into the grosser level of the system. Intensity of his vigilance increases. To establish contact with the soul (consciousness) makes one alert about the own mysterious internal encroachers as anger, greed, ego, which invade our internal universe so silently that we are unable to trace out their attacks. Anger, pride, deceit and greed are the cause of restlessness. Restlessness has direct impact on health and wellbeing. Research has proved that on visualization that having a mental image blood flow improving to an organ can actually cause blood flow increase to that organ. Energy flowing in the body thus can be directed to assist in the process of health and healing. By traveling inside the body one can destroy even the blood clot.
Spirituality means know your own identity.Spirituality needs proper understanding of real nature of one's own self as well as of the worldly things by deep seeing into the nature of things as they are. The external world is ephemeral, temporary and even changing; in fact the body will die one day, sweeping all those worldly accoutrements away like a mere pile of dust. The inner realm is timeless, eternal and deeply profound. Jain ascetics from time unknown years of meditation on contemplation of universe and the