It directs one's highest activity toward the highest objects.
Samayika is an exploration of whole being - unprejudiced, without condemnation, without thinking at all, just watching to dive deeply into one's being, breaking all external relations and distractions with an effort to drag one from the past and future into the present. It is a whole body and mind awareness of the present moment; to be fully present; not to be lost in day-dreams, anticipation, indulgence or worry. Living in present is to establish the soul in the present. One, who stays in the present or soul does not lose calm and balance, can control physical movements, mental fluctuation and austerity in speech.
Mahavira said, “Whatever you do see to it. Be a witness to it."
Samayika is simply watchfulness, awareness. It is a sustained endeavour to cleanse the mind of unwholesome mental forces which run beneath the stream of consciousness vitiating thinking, values, attitudes and actions. One who is devoted towards his soul feels no difference between sunshine and shadow i.e. remains equal in all situations. The mere insight into and knowledge of this reality, is of everyday use in the conduct of individual and collective lives.
The goal of Samayika is to achieve a feeling of perfect calmness and to understanding the unchanging truth of the self. It is believed that meditation assists in managing and balancing one's passions. During samayika one maintains full control over the body, speech and mind. Control over body keeps us away from disease, control over speech debars from unnecessary arguments and by control over mind one