Sitting in isolation increases the consciousness level.Peace is the basis of every religion. Peace summaries the teachings of all the scriptures. Peace is not a thought, not a concept; it is a nonverbal experience. To be free from the worldly attachments and to live within or to be self-composed is peace. It is above mind, head, and heart and senses - more peaceful more integrated, to feel a certain depth within. Real peace means neither to be happy nor to be unhappy but always calm and stable, independent of circumstances and mind tranquil together with a sense of freedom, when thoughts and worries cease, and there is no stress, strain or fear. One, who has pure and righteous emotions, detached from all injurious or impious actions, observes threefold control of body, mind and speech and restrains his senses, behaves equally as one's own self and towards all living beings mobile and immobile, is said to have attained a feeling of coolness, calmness, contentment and harmony and the tossing of the mind stops and concentration develops.Samayika is evenness of mind, devoid of attachment and aversion, unshakeable freedom of mind, a state of inner equipoise that cannot be upset by gain and loss, honour and dishonor, praise and blame, pleasure and pain.
Mahavira said, “When one is completely engrossed in the contemplation of the self, he is said to have right vision."
Samayika is contemplation of the self. Contemplation means transformation of consciousness. Contemplation is the activity that refines and discovers virtues. Carried out continuously it allows reaching one's potential. Contemplation is the most continuous and self-sufficient. It aims at nothing outside of itself.