wandering through various conditions. Every thought one thinks is like a radio wave being transmitted, available for anyone in the universe to pickup..
The soul is pure and transparent in its original form. The soul assumes various forms in accordance with the effect of the various pudgals on it. The effect of thinking, of the environment, and of food falls on the body and the mind either deeply or lightly. The colour of the body also changes in accordance with that effect. The face of an angry man grows red; and blood seems to rush out of his eyes. The face of a man, who is in despair or dejection, grows pale. The brightness of his face fades away. The face assumes a different colour under the impact of love or infatuation. The Jain Dharma gives the name Leshya to the various transformations that the soul undergoes. The propensity and mental reaction are called Leshya. All these changes take place on account of Leshya or state of mind.
The Leshyas have been properly classified on the basis of the colours that appear or disappear in the face, on account of the effect of propensities, and thoughts. Leshya is a portrait of man's mental state. Closely related to the concept of the leshya is the aura, a coloured emanation which surrounds all individual and which the medium can perceive. By noting variations in the hues of a person's aura, the medium is able to describe his nature, individuality, mental propensities, future, illness etc. The shrievaling of the aura is considered a sign of impending death.
An intuitive person or visionary who with the practice of meditation, get his consciousness concentrated and gradually develops power which enables him to realise and know all vibrations emerging