Mahavira said, “That which is most difficult to acquire and which is transient like the flash of lightning, if such human birth is wasted carelessly by a man, he is an unworthy person and not a noble man. A person who does not utilise well his human birth cannot acquire it once again. Without the human form, enlightenment is difficult. Neither can he get such disposition which will be appropriate for practising right conduct. Those who exert themselves at the proper time do not repent afterwards."
Life is neither a divine gift nor accidental. It is earned through unknown numbers of transmigration. The soul gets human birth as a result of many good deeds done in its previous births and therefore it is very precious. Human life is the very centre of existence. Human birth is capital, proper utilization of this capital begets heavenly world, and improper utilization engenders sub-human existence.
Mahavira said, “Recognize religion by wisdom and also ascertain the reality of things by it. The highest wisdom makes it possible for one to recognize religion and ascertain the reality of things."
Life is a great mystery. Life is not just an assemblage of atoms and molecules; its existence is much deeper. Right from its beginning, human thought engaged itself in the query about the root cause of creation. The history of investigating truth is very old. Historical and pre-historical metaphysicians,