Knowledge should dilute attachment, stop fluctuation of mind, increase compassion and friendliness and purify the soul. Knowledge which binds to the material world is ignorance. Ignorance cannot enlighten a person. Rational knowledge gives rational character and balanced life. Outlook becomes positive. Approach devoid of rational knowledge cannot be regular. Knowledge lets one move towards spiritual upliftment. Knowledge liberates.
Mahavira said, “Pride is illusion."
Pride of knowledge is the greatest illusion. What you know is little and there is always more to learn.“ Knowledge is the inherent power of soul and what we gather from outside is information. More we learn more we feel pride. Knowledge refines the behaviour and one becomes polite. Humbleness, simplicity, non-violence and peace are knowledge. Pride, anger, carelessness, illness and idleness - these are five obstacles in the path of acquiring knowledge.
Right Character: Mahavira said, “Essence of knowledge is character. Knowledge and conduct together lead to success, just as in a forest fire, when a blind and lame help each other both manage to reach destination. A chariot does not move by one wheel alone.”
It is character that communicate most eloquently. Strength of character is really strength of mind when a man has cultivated these virtues through purification of body, mind and spirit, he can be said to have developed right character.Purer the soul better are the decisions it can take. Distorted attitude, distorted thinking and distorted decisions emanate from an impure soul. True independence of character empowers us to act rather than be acted upon.