is not goaded by passions and impulses and grow stronger mentally.
Samayika is right perception. Perception is the function of soul. As the perception matures the flow of thoughts would be weakened by itself. Every thought takes one away from oneself. Thoughts influence behaviour, actions and goals. As long as various kinds of thoughts agitate the brain, one doesn't experience peace. If one becomes a watcher the mind starts disappearing: Thoughts start disappearing, just as the light disperses. One can stop the thought process by systematically training the mind.
Samayika is a state of consciousness without any thought; silence or zero-thought, a state of mind which is free from emotions of like and dislike, and feelingsof pleasure and pain. Freedom from thought is total illumination. A quiet mind is receptive to insight. By silencing the mind, one can experience equanimity. It is a true and the only panacea for all ills. Thus restraining the activities of the mind helps us to shed the accumulated karma and instils complete steadiness. Samayika cleans the filth from the mind thereby purifies the soul and where purity of mind resides discord cannot stay.
Mahavira said, “The Samayika of a householder will be fruitless if he reflects upon mundane matters while practicing samayika, as his concentration will become meaningless."
During Samayika, if one thinks about material happiness, family, friends and relationships, all of which are not true reflections of the soul.Only when the mind is emptied of worldly thoughts then the thoughts of the Self can fill their place. Samayika is a