complete undisturbed control on thoughts, speech and posture for the specified period. This does not mean that there will not be any control or discipline during rest of time. Non-attachment to worldly objects make it easy and is a concentric method to achieve onepointedness of mind which can also be achieved by practice. Rigorous effort or practice for specified periods is to strengthen the resolve for disciplined life style all the time. Jains perform Samayika as often as possible and at any time of the day.
Samayika is a method by which one can develop an attitude of harmony and respect towards other living beings and nature. Meditatiuon enhances the feeling of amity, respect and harmony. Viewing all the living beings as one's own self, and to face every situation in an equal manner are the essences of samayika. Samayika is therefore also a name of equanimity, a state devoid of attachment and aversion. Level-headedness or equanimity is the ground for wisdom and freedom and the protector of compassion and love and is essential to a correct understanding of the things. Right concentration leads to profound and lasting equanimity.To remain calm and balanced, especially in the midst of difficulty and not to be ruled by passions, desires, likes and dislikes is the chief characteristic of a person who practice Samayika.
Samayika is an end as well as means in itself. As a means it is a practice for attaining equanimity while as an end it is the state in which self is completely free from the flickering of alternative desires and wishes as well as excitements and emotional disorders. It is the state in which one is completely free from attachment and aversion or resting in one's own self. One who