vital life energies that are critical to the immunity and health. When the body is exposed to the sun-rays, it accumulates the vital energy which is obtained from solar energy. The solar radiations are not only the source of life to the physical body but they are also the secret of the source of strength to the psyche. It promotes physical and mental health and spirituality. With this the brilliance increases and loss of light is prevented.
The effect of sunlight is direct on mind and sunlight has been found to affect mood and consequently the biological processes in the body. Sun rays also stimulate the pineal and pituitary glands to secrete hormone, which stimulate and significantly boost the entire immune system as well as strengthening the eye themselves. One withstands the heat as proof of fitness and commitment. The experience is a lesson in humility as the intensity grows. Then comes the feeling of strength and rejuvenation. The invigorating ritual brings the participant to a higher level of maturity. Mahavira told to his disciple Goshalak, that one who does fast continuously for every two days, breaks it with a handful of grains and meagre water (cupped hands can contain), take heat by gazing Sun by stretching hands over shoulders can develop fiery power within six months.
Body has two types of energies - physical and mental. It contains electricity, light and heat. Mental energy operates nervous system and its source is subtle body. Source of inner fire is subtle body, pervading in the physical body all over with two specific centres i.e. brain and navel. Digestion, potency and nobility are the derivation of subtle body and produce lustre and glory. Subtle body inhibiting in physical body cannot