be any irritation. The end is degeneration from a lack of oxygen and nutriment, in degenerating, the septic material enters the circulation, setting up chromic septic poison called cancer cachexia.
The body has its own way of trying to heal itself. Our body keeps giving us subtle hints and indications of discomfort over a period of timebut we fail to recognise them until we find ourselves facing a major health crisis.Belching is the signal of the body that it is overloaded and asks to stop/reduce vigay. Cold is really but an effort of the system to cast out impurities, chiefly through the mucous membranes of the throat and nose. Fever is the body's defence against bacteria, microbes and consequent infections. Hypocrite wrote more than two thousand years ago, "Give me the power to create fever and I shall cure any disease." The human body has many ordinary modes of achieving elimination: the liver, lungs, kidneys, colon, etc. When these are overloaded, the natural reaction of the body is to separate itself from poisons through the process of boils, mucous, vomiting, coughing, diarrhoea, inflammation, bleeding, swelling, redness of gums, fever and many others. These are immune system response of the body. It helps the body to heal itself. Should elimination be impossible or uneconomical of body energy, the toxic overload will go into storage forms in the joints, vessels, muscles, organs; almost any tissue in the body.
Treatment normally means taking medicine or undergoing surgery. Medicine is the lowest kind of treatment. Medicine covers up ailments but it does not heal. They may eliminate some of the cosmetic or acute problems through aspirins and Band-Aids. But the