externally imposed. The actions of one who is free from attachment get reduced to bare necessities.
Possessiveness is a source of violence. When we are possessed by our possessions we lose selfcontrol. When we lose self-control we are controlled by things outside of ourselves and feel that we are robbed of our peace of mind. This possessiveness is the source of scarcity. Application of non-violence in the field of material is non-possessiveness, non-attachment to worldly things. Non-possessiveness means no accumulation of material things; sharing and living without ostentation and without a display of wealth, dress, food and furnishings and to limit possession to what is necessary or important. One should not acquire what is not necessary, recognizing that whatever is acquired will bind one tightly. Less one spends too much time in the care of possessions more time one will have for the care of the soul. Simultaneously, the bondages of karma particles which are caused by actions also subside.
Non-possessiveness is the most important ethics. It embraced all aspects of indiscipline and abstinence from it and is recognized as the removal of the very root of all immorality. It is founded on the role which desire and craving played in human affairs. There is the abundance of Nature. Only when one wants to own, control and possess it, he creates scarcity. Because one can never possess everything, one always wants more. The moment one is satisfied, and doesn't want to control and possess, he has abundance. Paradoxically this abundance is only available to those who learn to live