intense human characteristics that open the inner man wider and have a great impact on health, physical and mental well-being. By anger energy get depleted and one feels tired, but by love compasasion, kindness, one get more energy and get refreshed and more healthful. There is a connection between service and longevity.
Mahavira said, "Service to old and experienced persons, keeping away from the company of wicked people, study of the right texts with concentration of mind and to give a deep thought to their meaning, to keep the mind steadily calm and quite is the right path and road to salvation. Just as water of earthen jar becomes aromatic in contact with fragrant lotus, but tepid and tasteless in contact with fire, so also the company of the pious enhances one's wisdom and the company of the wicked distorts one's understanding." To give service as duty without caring for praise or criticism is nirjara or shedding of karma. Service which is rendered without joy helps neither the server nor the served. If one derives anything out of it, it is not service. All pleasures and possessions pale into nothingness before service which is rendered in a spirit of joy. Service brings one closer. One should always be prepared to give shelter to the shelterless and help to the helpless. Only the truly humble are able to serve the saints and obtain from them the right understanding of reality which in turn leads them by stages to liberation.
4. Swadhyaya: Mahavira said, "Swadhyaya uncovers knowledge."
Swädhyäya is an Indian word and is one of the most important aspects for all the schools of thought. Its simple meaning is to study. Jain scholars have given