its many meanings – self-study, self-analysis, to know the self. Looking from the absolute point of view, the fruit of engaging in self-study is self-realization. Knowledge is the object and one who knows is the subject. To know the knower is called swadhyay. Swadhyaya enables one to acquire knowledge of the well-beings of the self, subjugation of evil thoughts, inclination for renunciation, tranquillity in thought, word and deed, strength of conduct, austerity, supreme disposition and benevolence. Swadhyaya is for getting rid of false views, acquiring right knowledge about what is right and what is wrong, understanding the art of living and getting inspiration to put it in practice.
Among the twelve physical and mental austerities, there is none that equals or will be equal to the Swadhyaya. It is one of the basic nine elements (shedding of karma) of the Jain philosophy.Swadhyay like humility, meditation, is one of the internal austerities that purifiy consciousness(soul) i.e. shedding of karmas. Swadhyay is for all human beings, regardless of their level of knowledge, spiritual progress, intelligence, grasping power or memory power. It sublimates knowledge obscuring karma and soul gets purified. One experiences peace and tranquility when the fire of four deadly passions is extinguished by the water of scriptural knowledge, noble conduct and austerity. Swadhyay and meditation are necessary to keep our mind and emotions healthy. It is incomparable and indispensable. It yields immediate rewards. One of the differences between human beings and animals is that human beings have the ability to do self-analysis and animals don't.