spiritual force. People can, by willpower, altogether abstain from sex for years or even all their life and bring observable positive effects on personality and society. There is a difference between biological and psychological requirements. The fear of non-existence or to obey a natural order is clearly a mental urge which springs from thought, rather than a physical one.
Mahavira said, “There are four types of senses - food sense, fear sense, sex sense and possessive sense."
Beasts are very much food conscious. Man is libidinous. Except man, sex appetite of all living beings is periodic. Among humans, the sex urge is strongest in adolescence and youth, and perhaps. Of course, some older people and females seem considerably influenced by lustful feelings, but this may rather be a sign of emotional immaturity guided by external forces, than natural necessity.
Sexual indulgence augments attachment and infatuation. Possession and sex are interlinked. The highest pleasure in terms of material is sex pleasure. The whole world is moving under its spell and a materialist cannot move at all without this motivation. The man becomes slave to money and beauty. People are after money and power in the hope that they have more of those, they can have more sex. They can have more beautiful women or men; they can have more variety. Money and power give them freedom of choice. The concept of woman being the source of the highest worldly happiness is the result of shrouded perception; really it is not. The person who is free of sexuality, whose sexuality has become a transformed phenomenon, is also free of money, is also free of