pleasures, time and again, though it is dreamlike, ephemeral and unsteady. He desires pleasure but gets suffering thus diseases body. Yet people are engrossed in the consciousness of sense gratification, the mind influenced by ignorance and take their bodies far too much for granted and do not think twice about them unless something goes wrong. Thereby they get disaffection, miserable existence etc. and have to repent."
Neither an experience of pain nor an experience of pleasure is an appropriate cause for curing an ailment but one who conducts one's life well, gets cured either by way of pain or by way of pleasure. Likewise, one engaged in putting an end to one's delusion might experience either pain or pleasure but neither pain nor pleasure is what puts an end to one's delusion. When the mind is liberated from the cage of ignorance and delusion, it is considered to be free from disease. If man were in possession of a perfect knowledge of self he would not need to be sick at all. Inner health is beyond any sickness. And it is there, just to be discovered.
It is not natural to be sick. In order to preserve good health, or to restore it if one doesn't have it, one has to understand the biological principles of life and proactively take care of the body and mind from time to time the better chance one can extend one's life and could survive. With knowledge of one's body, its various organs and systems and how they work and thoroughly wash them free of poisons and nourish them, there seem to be no reason why one should not maintain health and fitness and thus prolong enjoyment of a happy long life. It is obvious, therefore, that the art of keeping well is not well understood. Sickness and