is the root cause of all kinds of malpractices in trade and commerce. It is fear which makes us accumulate riches and wealth. It is fear which has resulted in the invention and stock-piling of all kinds of weapons. Nations are afraid of each other, and therefore, they seek protection in armaments. Fear causes more fear. From the weapons made of stone man has come to nuclear arsenal capable of devastating the entire world. One causes injury to others and kills them out of fear. One should not be afraid that he will go to hell if one relinquished religion. If one adopts religion for the fear of hell, he is not a truly religious man.
Fearlessness is the starting point of rational living. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom. Only the one who has transcended fear can experience equanimity, essential to a correct understanding of the human situation in the world. The first condition for rational thinking is total freedom from fear. The freedom from fear has to be preceded by freedom from mind, which in turn will be preceded by freedom from various other factors. The mind must be absolutely fearless. Indeed, the whole environment must be free from fear, only in the right atmosphere rational thinking is possible. Mahavira prescribed self-control and mental fortitude as means of overcoming destructive emotions, like fear, anger, greed, pride, jealousy and clear judgment, to keep the inner world healthy and pure. He prescribed five pre-requisites for becoming fearless and asked monks to observe 5 major self-restraints. These are their principal vows, besides five kinds of carefulness and three kinds of restraints in daily activities.