is uncorrupted, uncontaminated and undiluted with the desire to control others. Violence may be committed, commissioned or consented to. Non-violence should be practiced in all its aspects and one should abstain from committing injury in nine possible ways. One should not commit through mind, speech and body and each through the manner of personally committed, commissioned through others and giving consent for commitment by others.
Vow of Truth: Mahavira said, "Fearless is the first step to know the truth. One who is fearful cannot know the truth. Truth is the quintessence in this world. Truth is more tranquil and deeper than the deepest ocean. A wise person who treads the path of truth transcends death. A person who speaks the truth becomes trustworthy like a mother, venerable like a preceptor, and dear to everyone like a kinsman."
Mind can be purified by speaking the truth. Truth may not be pleasing. Face the truth without fear. Things are as they are. Lying is defined as speaking hurtful words and thus the mind gets contaminated. In this world, falsehood is condemned by all saints. A person who utters a lie is trusted by none. Hence one should give up falsehood. Telling lie, deception, fraud and malpractice in trade - these are the four animal instincts which drag the soul to sub-human existence.
Mahavira said, “Just as a blind man needs the help of a guide to show him the path, speech also requires the guidance of the intellect.”
A wise person speaks exactly what he sees; his speech should be brief, free from ambiguity and clearly expressed. His speech should neither be deceptive nor cause anxiety to anyone. Skilful use of language is a