come out but the energy produced by self-restraint, meditation, austerity, devotion and penance can come out and has fiery power potential, a virtue to overcome weakness and catalyst to tolerance, endurance, selfrestraints will power, and enhance the spiritual purity.
Sunlight is an essential nutritive factor to both plant and animal life. The rays of the Sun can also serve as full diet. The heat of the Sun can serve as food only when the subtle body is active, not otherwise. Sunshine is needed for absorption of vitamin D for lowering the blood cholesterol within the body which occurs when the Sun shines on the skin. Vitamin D aids a large number of critical functions in the body without which, systems begin to fail. A deficiency of vitamin D may cause temporary discomfort, depression and fatigue. Studies on rats have shown that vitamin D deficiency not only interferes with brain development during the fetal period but also leads to permanent changes in the adult brain. Vitamin D participates in the brain's defence against oxidative degeneration. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium in the body and maintains phosphorus levels which are critical for bone development, prevent osteoporosis and tooth decay, makes stronger denser bones, and speeds bone repair. It is because of this that it is of great value in the prevention of rickets and tuberculosis. It also helps with weight loss and reduces muscle fatigue and skin disorders. It improves immunity and is also known to reduce the incidence of cancer and heart diseases. According to studies, adequate quantities of the vitamin D help combat all forms of depression and type II diabetes. The kidney plays an essential role in converting vitamin D into a useable substance for the