health, such as clearing out of toxins, improving skin or relieving headaches. Similar misconceptions concerning the effect of water on weight loss and constipation have also been dispelled. Not much evidence has been found whether drinking extra water helps our kidney flush out toxins from the body.
Moon is the nearest planet to earth and has an enormous effects on the oceans of the earth and so inside the human body. The periodical ebb and flow of tides of sea change time in accordance with the lunar dates. The astrologers believe that human mind gets directly affected by the moon. They analyse the condition of the mind on the basis of the moon. Specific dates of lunar calendar have been found having tidal effects of lunar and solar cycles on change of pH and fluid balances of human body. On the 5th, 8th, 11th, 14th and the full moon day of the bright fortnight and the 5th 8th, 11th, 14th and no-moon day of the dark fortnight the moon is exactly in front of the earth and so water in human body get agitated. Eating fruits and green vegetables, which have nearly 90 percent water contents, on these days increases water contents in the body. Hence avoiding certain alkaline food and fasting on those days is a good healthy practice of Jains. Jains also restrict use of green and leafy vegetables during rainy season. Similarly they do not consume juicy fruits like mango etc. in rainy season. The substances found in a humid climate tend to be full of humidity themselves and so are heavy for digestion; they contribute too much water to the system, making it difficult for the digestive fire to remain hot enough to function efficiently.
Jain monks stay in wet climate and do not travel in rainy season or it is raining. The seasons of the year