process of the earthly creatures that live in one place have been mentioned in the texts. There have been attempts so far to understand the long chapter from the philosophical and elemental points of view. But further thought is required to seek inherent wisdom in these words from health angle as well. Understanding the breath means understanding the human machine. How each breath can be used to develop and control the body?
Physical Penances: Mahavira said, “Make use of things with proper restraint, and an act with proper self-restraint is not virtually karma. Restrain yourself and annihilate all karmas. Hard work, strong will power and self-confidence along with restraint can change the destiny."
Convention and habit are the basis of human action. The custom, with time, becomes a second nature, forcing men to use that, whether good or bad, to which they have been habituated, and habit get the better of reason in many things. Such mistaken notion is entirely owing to the power of custom, established by our senses and irregular appetites. These have blinded and besotted men to such a degree that leaving the paths of virtue; they follow those of vice, which lead them imperceptibly to an old age burdened with strange and mortal diseases.
Body forms habits which become its nature. Habit is different from nature. Nature demands what is needed. Anything that is not purely natural is not the requirement of our body. In undistorted nature it is limited by objective needs and is therefore capable of satisfaction. Natural desires are limited but those which spring from false opinions are