help promote digestion. One of the keys to health is to keep the lymphatic system open and flowing freely. Good breathing improves the immune system ensuring that one does not fall sick easily and flushes out unwanted toxins making one feel lighter and cleaner within. Deep breath and exhale thoroughly massage the thoracic duct upward into the neck so that the fluid flows abundantly and makes lymph system, body's sewage system, work better.
The quality of life depends to a large extent on the quality of breath. Correct breathing leads to good health, a clear mind and a vibrant spirit. Breathing well allows to function at your physical and mental best. Breath is a bridge between body and mind as well as between sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. Right breathing integrate body and mind. The mode of breathing is closely related to mental condition; either influences the other. Sense organs are controlled by mind, which in turn is governed by the movement of breath in the body. Slow breathing can make one more alert, activate conscious centre and increase awareness of what is happening inside - physically, mentally and emotionally. The emotions, breath and health seem to be clearly and deeply related to each other. Depending on the manner in which the individual inhales and exhales, it will effect body system as well as mental and emotional systems. If breathing is steady and relaxed mind will be equally quiet and relaxed. Deep breath makes one more energized and reduces the number of thoughts and emotions coming into mind. By breathing long, a person can reduce the negativity