by the infection of pyorrhoea, and in general the health is injured in proportion as the teeth are affected. The removal of a pyorrhoea tooth affected a speedy disappearance of sugar in the urine. After the cure of the pyorrhoea, there is disappearance of symptoms of gastric and intestinal disorder; amoebic dysentery oral lesions has diminished the bacterial and other poisons which previously had been swallowed and had been causative of some grade of gastritis.
Improving dental health may improve overall physical health. The tooth is a tissue which needs a particular kind of nourishment. Like any other organ of the body, it must be properly exercised. There must be an abundance of chewing of the right kind and it must be well done. Mastication is an exercise of teeth and jaws and hence it improves dental health, while lysozyme in saliva kills bacteria, destroys microorganisms, removes toxic substances and thus maintains a clean and hygienic mouth. It is true that a properly balanced diet is necessary for the general sustenance of the body; the tissues of the tooth are composed chiefly of lime, phosphoric acid and nitrogen. Tuberculin-tested cereals which have not been denatured; wheat, corn, barley and oats are types. Rice which has not been polished and which has not lost the important principles of the rice bran may also be given once or twice a week in moderate quantity. Crisp chewy food - apples and celery-stimulates structure of teeth. Starch, sugar, candy and polished rice should be avoided. Softer diets with more carbohydrates stimulate the production of mouth acid which rots tooth enamel and induces decay. Natural fibres in the coarse food exert a cleaning action on teeth. There is not any reason why the teeth should