Vol. XXI, 1997
śțingāra, Ku. Sam. 5/85 is quoted. (4) Januaferfq. (Ku. Sam. 3/40). under D.R. 2/33 :Under D.R. 2/33, 37asia this verse is quoted. Among ten natural embellishments of a heroine 'Hal is illustrated by this verse. 'Hal consists in not getting disturbed even though the cause for fact / is present. This is read in the specific verse quoted here. (5) El fonfec. (Ku. Sam. 3/67.) D.R. 2/33 :In 3ta on D.R. 2/33, the natural quality called 'qta', of ladies, is illustrated by this verse. The first change noticed, as sprout from a seed is called 'Ta'. In this verse this change of attitude on the part of Siva is noticed. (6) ai yrgyat. (Ku. Saṁ. 7/13). D.R. 2/34 :The natural grace or 'get' of ladies is read in this verse by Dhanika under D.R.2/34. (7) muffint. (Ku. Sam. 7/17). D.R. 2/38 :Under D.R. 2/38; 'fafagfa' i.e. beauty born of lovely attire, a natural gracefulness of ladies, is read herein by Dhanika. (8) T: feres. (Ku. Sam. 7/19). D.R. 2/50 :In the 3taa on D.R. 2/50, Dhanika quotes this verse to illustrate th, i.e. वचोहास्यनर्म. This comes in under the discussion of sub-varieties of कैशिकी वृत्ति. नर्म is eighteen fold. Here it is one where laughter is caused by a particular expression. (9) pahifa foreta. (Ku. Sam. 8/5.) and (10) caf4059400. (Ku. Saṁ. 3/73). 370711 / D.R. 4/13 :
These two verses are quoted in the context as above, where the ancillory feeling called 'HIST' is illustrated. This '350' is caused a due to sighting of a favourite. The other variety by listening to the non-favourite is read in the verse is . etc.
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(11) paaifeft. (Ku. Sam. 6/84); D.R. 4/29 :Dhanika, under D.R. 4/29, quotes this verse to illustrate the 1979 अवहित्था. In the लोचन, the व्यभिचारी is said to be लज्जा in this context. (12) BICHHISTORI. (Ku. Sam. 7/22.) and