There are several phon-s in Gujarati imitative of the sensation of motion, objective or subjective.
1. The phon. ending in -b-. (1) masamaţāv-vū—'to wink', 'to blink' (Turner, 9722).
2. The phon.s ending in -?-. (1) advadi-yū—'a stumble'. (2) tadphad-vū—to wriggle', 'to toss about' (Turner, 5632). (3) radavad-vū—'to roam, to ramble'. (4) ladatha”-vū—"to stumble, to loose balance'.
3. The phon.s ending -d-. (1) khadbad-vū—(with respect to worms) 'to heave', 'to swell and subside' (in
a fluid).
4. The phon. ending in -m-. (1) kamkam-vū—to feel a shivering sensation in the body'.
5. The phon.s ending in -r-. (1) tarvarāt-agility, 'briskness.' (2) tharathar-vū—'to tremble' (Turner, 6092). (3) pharphar-vū—'to flutter". (4) jharmar—'drizzle'. The sensation of sound also to be associated in this case.
6. The phon. ending in -s-. (1) dhasmas-vū—"to rush in great hurry'.
7. The phon.s ending in -!-. (1) khalbha!-vū—'to be agitated. (2) calgal-vū—'to suck by rolling the tongue in the mouth. (3) Calval—'agitation.' (4) talva!-vū—'to wriggle'