Šuzuko Ohird
The sinful action, i.e. arambha or karma, is of its reveres nature. Here is the origin of the later concepts called īryāpatha kriyā and sāmparāyika kriyā. Īryāpatha is also shared by the Buddhist camp.
21 Dixit, Early Jainism, p. 11
22 E.g. Acara I. 3. 1. 273; I. 7. 4
23 See Basham, ibid., pp. 109ff, pp. 118ff.
24 Cf. Sutrakyta I. 7. 407, I. 9. 468 and I. 10. 478
25 E.g. Acara I. 1. 1. 4
26 E.g. Suttanipāta 2. 26. 19ff (ed. by P. V. Bapat, Poona, 1924)
27 Acāta I. 1. 1.3
* Jiana canonical text are based on the Suttagame, ed. by Pupphabhikkhu.
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