A Note on Ayaraṁga-Sutta
17 The other one: dukkha-sahe (Ay.; p. 43 1.18) Jacobi has translated this as "bore pain" (SBE XXII p. 85). Schubring uses a derivative word from dulden, i. e. "im Leiden geduldig' WM. p. 120). But here, of course, by the word he must understand "bearing, enduring; patient, perservering."
18 Or, no rati. Narati in the text (PTS 1888), but which makes the pada the same as the first one and meaningless. See Woodward's trsl.: "No discontent compels the sage, the sage no discontent compels....." (The Book of the Gradual Sayings, Vol. II. p.31 f) The real word-order of the second pada may be na (or no) rati sahati dhiram, which has no problem in metre. The present one (....dhiram sahati) seems to have been rearranged in order to avoid the exact reduplication caused by the corruption of na (or no) rati to narati. A reading: dhirasam hati (see CPD under arati) is apparently secondary one.
19 For aratiñca dh° s?", says CPD. (The resolution in the first syllable: 2......) But, we may also think that the original ratim was replaced by aratim due to the corruption in the previous pada, i. e., the loss of the word rati.
20 when he verb takes some passion like arai as its subject, it clearly shows the the verb is used in the sense.
21 In Ay., we often have dhira-as v. 1. for vira in the text, while v° for the text dh. e. g. Dh for vo: p. 12 1. 16 pantam luham sevanti vira (v. 1 dh° A); 13.17: Jägara-verovarae vire (v 1. dh° ADb); 13.26 vire aya-gutte (v. 1. dh° DT); 15. 10 kohäimānam haniya ya vire (v. 1. dh T); 15.14: gantham parinnaya ih' ajja vire soyam parinnaya carejja dante (v. 1. dh ABT); 17.2: janti vērā mahājānam v. 1. dh° AD); 31, 21: puttho viro ahiyasae (v. 1 dh° GT) 34.27 (v.1. dh° DbBT); etc. v° for dh°: 9.23: asam ca chandam vigiñca bhare (v. 1. v° C);
14.20 aggam ca mulam ca vigiñca dhire (v. 1. v° CG); 15-25 aya-gutte sayā dhire v. 1. v° CBGbg); 17.30: aho ya rão jayamane dhira (v. 1. v° AG); etc.
Whether the word vira of Ay. I.2.6.3 is replacement of the original dhirais not clear. The contexts of these two words used in the canonical texts should be further investigated. Cf. Schubring, Ay., Glossar. pp. 86 and 102. In the line of AN also, according to Woodward (op. cit), some text has vira-samhati for dhiram sahati.
But, when we see the frequent occurrence of between dh° and y° in the text of Ay. as shown above, it may be noted here that orthographical confu sion between and also should be taken into consideration, which might have taken place in our case also; for it is quite likely that, if not written clearly, is misread as in manuscripts.
* I am very much thankful to Dr. J. R, Joshi, lecturer of Deccan college, Poona, who first could read my paper. Particularly for a reference to MBh (note 4), I am indebted to him. I am also very much obliged to both Dr. H. C. Bhayani and Pt. D. D. Malvania who could read my manuscript, give me some valuable suggestions, and encourage me to publish this paper in the Journal of L. D. Institute.
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