* Tarihi
टाकी पुरा निगदिता खलु या विभाषा सा नागरादिभिरपि त्रिभिरन्विता चेत् । तामेव टक्कविषये निगदन्ति टाका
quiatha Agreto sacra 11 Rt. III. 2. 6 Comparing the rules as quoted above regarding Tākka Ap we see that Takka-bhāṣā of the former corresponds to sākbi Vibhāşā of the latter. That Vibhāṣā was somewhat a spoken dialect and was not merely confined to certain characters in a play is clear from this-a point which we have already discussed before. Now Tākkī Vibhāṣā, as we have seen, has close resemblance with standard Apabhrama and to distinguish it from so-called sākka Ap. probably signifies that Tākki Vibhāṣā was confined to a limited region of Takka whereas Takka Ap carrying larger peculiarities in it. was in vogue in considerable part of Northwest India including Takka country. From Rājasekhara we learn that even by his time people of Takka, Maru ( modern Marwar ) and Bhādā naka were found of using language with an admixture of Ap.97
47. Now remain Audri, Ābhīri and Drāvidi in the list, of which we have learnt something, in Vibhāşā section. Mk includes Audri Vibhāşā under Śābarī, and as we have seen, the Audri Vibhāśā too had the influ. ence of Ap in it. Now as regards Audri Ap, Mk says. that it abounds in i and u sounds (cf. Pu & Rt). The Auďrī Vibhāşā too seems to have such characteristics (cf. Mk's illustration ). Relating to Abhīrī Vibhāṣā Mk's rule is not clear,98 and Rt informs that one of its
97. TTSTETTT: MAFUTE*1772, KVM. p. 51.
98. Mk says that Abhirī has for its absolutives ia and ua is. also applicable to Apabhramsa ( ? ). cf. KI V, 74–76.
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