The name Kapila, however, occurs only once. We do not know any authority on Pkt of this name except in. Rt, and it is just possible that both Mk and Rt took the help of this authority by consulting his work. 11
Next come three more authorities whose names: are unfamiliar in Pkt. literature. They are i) Aniruddha bhatta, ii ) Bhagirathavardhamāna and iii) HariScandra. In the context of illustrating Dākşiņātyā Mk. cites a verse which he ascribes to Aniruddhabhatta. We have shown this verse to have close resemblanee. with that given by Rt in the same context. But Rt. does not quote authority and hence we have no way to know his source. GRIERSON reads Aniruddhabhatta as Niruddhabhatta (see The Pkt Vibhāṣās ).
About Hariscandra we come to know that in his View Takka is not to be taken as a Vibhāṣā but as. Apabhramsa (XVI, 2). It is significant that the first. line of the verse under reference tallies exactly with that given in Pu's Prākrtānusāsana ( XVI. 10), viz.,.
हरिश्चन्द्रस्त्विमा टक्कभाषामपभ्रंशमिच्छति न प्राकृतम् । It may be that Mk had before him Pu's grammar and copied this rule from his work without knowing Hari scandra and his work.12 Dr. Ghosh is evidently wrong, when he remarks that both Rt and Mk think that Apabhraṁsa cannot be used in dramatic works.13 Rt in fact does give such a view when he says that certain Vibhāşās, though of Apabhraíśa nature, cannot be treated
11. Cf. Rt. II. 1. 28.
12. Rājasekhara in his KM refers to one Hariuddha ( = Hari.. vệddha) as eminent Pkt poet (I. 20.20 ). Vāk pati eulogises. Hariyanda (= Hariscandra ), the poet ( Gaüdavaho, 800 ).
13. See P8, p. 410, notes, II. 3. 31. ,
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