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Besides the above Mk in a number of places refers to authors without giving their names'as kascit, kecit, anye and apare etc. These are catalogued in Appendix V. Several conjectures can be made with regard to Mk's reference to unnamed authors, and as a matter of fact, Nirri has done some .conjectures ( Les Gram. p. 101 ). It is not known why Mk despite giving sources in so many places, fails to do in these places alone. It is interesting that he takes particular care to cite the views of Vasantarāja and Bhagirathavardhamāna by giving their names in the commentary (see VII, 14; XIV, 3; XVII, 13 ) while the concerned Sūtras are devoid of such names. The Appendix V is, however, intended only to show at a glance sources not known with certainty ; so also the Appendix IV which is intended to make oneself acquainted at once with Mk's Kārikās enumerating ganas or words coming under the same group.
Source and Importance af the Work 1. Śākalya as an anthority on Prākrit. 71. In the previous chapter we have seen how Mk expressly records his indebtedness to certain authors in composing his grammar. He has referred to Sākalya's view four times by name ( as we have seen in previous Section) and in many places his reference to unknown authors as kascit, kecit (see Appendix-V) not yet traced might refer to Sākalya slso. Rāmašarman in his work has referred to sākalya-Māņdavya as many as six times and to Śākalya three times. Puruşottama has slso referred but once to Sākalya in his work. We
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