A pabhramsa we have the use of both 34 and 33 (cf. Ki. V. 74-75 ) Again Dandin declares that Abhira and such other dialects are to be treated as Apabhrumśa in Kāvya. Mk. would then appears to refute this theory of Dandin by not treating Abhiry as an Apabbramśa.
11 Mss. 45531FFITZ3.
12 UG ; I of 37 ; B 37f3; O T1873; em. according to 1, in this casc at has been evidently mistaken for T.
13 G 1534 ; here has been confused with wbich goes to show that the same type of confusion has occurred with regard to Audri being written as silent by the scribes.
14 The same mistake here too in respect of Audra by M89.
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