Book Title: Jignasa Journal Of History Of Ideas And Culture Part 01
Author(s): Vibha Upadhyaya and Others
Publisher: University of Rajasthan
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From the left Shri TN Chaturvedi Prof. GC Pande From the left Prof. GC Pande, Shri TN with his wife Smt. Sudha Pande and Prof. Chinappa, Chaturvedi, and famous thinker Prof. DP V.C., Bangalore University.
Chattopadhyaya, former H.E. Governor of
Rajasthan, in a seminar at Bangalore University. राष्ट्रीय सगोष्ठी लीय वाख्यान परम्परा और आधनिकगल्प मानाव
विश्वविद्यालय, बंगलोर पाटनसती हिम श्री टी एन. चतुर्वेदी, राज्यपाल करीट
Shri TN Chaturvedi, Honoured by Prof. GC
From the left Prof. GC Pande, Shri TN Pande and famous thinker Prof. DP Chattopadhyaya, Chaturvedi, and famous thinker Prof. DP former H.E. Governor of Rajasthan, standing extreme Chattopadhyaya, former H.E. Governor of right at Bangalore University.
Rajasthan, in a seminar at Bangalore University. 9-11 नवम्बर, 2003 घटनरुती माहिम श्री टीएन-चतर्वदा.राज भारतीय आख्यान परस्पराजाराधानकजल्परा
9-11 नवम्ब र.2003 इलाहाबाद संग्रहालय इलाहाबा
महालिग भी टी एन-चत्वदा सवाल मा सहय उच्च पस्थान,शिम
व Nोर विबंगलोर ।
स्वान, शिमला
Prof. GC Pande and Prof. DP Chattopadhyaya.
Prof GC Pande and Shri TN Chaturvedi, H.E. Governor of Karnataka, at Bangalore University, Bangalore.