Book Title: Jignasa Journal Of History Of Ideas And Culture Part 01
Author(s): Vibha Upadhyaya and Others
Publisher: University of Rajasthan
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68 / Jijñāsā
10. Singh, P., Kabir Granthavali (Satika), Delhi, 2004, p. 17.
11. Bhandarkar, R.G., Vaishavism, Saivism and Minor Religious Sects (Hindi Tr.). Vanarasi; 1978, p. 1978, p. 105; Sharma, Krishna, op. cit, p. 10; Singh, P., op. cit, pp. 16-17.
12. Singh, p., op. cit. p. 14, 26.
13. “... Kabir had used the name Rama only in a symbolic sense Rama, as a deity, had no significance whatsoever for Kabir. In fact he rejected the sanctity of the personality of the historic Rama in a most outspoken manner, leaving so scope for any ambiguity or misunderstanding" Sharma, K., op. cit. p. 167.
14. Barathwal, P.D., 'Nirguna Sampradaya aur Kabir' in Kabir-Ek Punarmulyankana (ed) Baldev Vanshi, Panchkula (Haryana), 2006, p. 49.
15. दसरथ सुत तिहु लोकहि जाना, राम नाम का मरम है आना'
सिरजनहार न ब्याही सीता,
ना जसरथ धरि औतरि आवा, ना लंका का राव सतावा।
all verses quoted in Bhakti and the Bhakti Movement, p. 167.
16. "Kabir used the name Rama as an epithet for the Ultimate Reality which he regarded as nameless and undefinable. His Rama, therefore is the same as the Atman and the Brahman". Sharma, K., op. cit., p. 168.
17. Singh, P. op. cit., pp. 13-15.
18. For a detailed study concerning the role these influences on the Kabir's Philosophy of Bhakti Sec, Charllotte V., op. cit., pp. 120-121; Westcott, G.H., Kabir and the Kabir Panth, Kanpur, 1907, pp. 44 ff.; Bhandarkar, R.G., op. cit., pp. 29-30; Habib, Infran, The Historical Background of the Popular Manotheistic Movements of the 15th - 17th centuries' in Ideas in History (ed.) Bindeswar Ram, Bombay, 1967, pp. 6-13; Satish Chandra, Historical Background to the Rise of the Bhakti Movement in Northern India' in his Historigraphy. Religion and State in Medieval India: Delhi, 1969, pp. 110-131: Ranjan, P., History of Kabirpanth-A Regional Process, Delhi, 2008, pp. 29-30; Singh, P... op. cit., pp. 16-24; Sharma, K. op. cit., pp. 173f; Singh, P., op. cit., pp. 47-53; Sharma, Krishna, op. cit., pp. 21-22. 19. Bhagvata Purāna, 3.29.7-14; quoted in, Kabir Granthāvali (ed.) P. Singh, p. 92,116. fn 23.
20. सॉच बराबर तप नहीं झूठ बराबर पाप ।
21. बकरी पाती खात है जाकी खींची खाल जे नर बकरी खात है ताको कौन हवाल ।।
दिनभर रोजा रहत हैं राति हनत हैं गाय ।
यह तो खून बन्दगी कैसे खुसी खुदाय ।।
22. cf. Sharma, Krishna, op. cit. p. 10; Sinha, A. K., op. cit., p. 291.
23. Kabir Granthavali (ed) P. Singh, pp., 14, 37
24. गुरू गोविन्द दोउ खडे, काके लागू पायं ।
बलिहारी गुरु आपनों गोविन्द दियो बताय ।। and
गुरू पारस अन्तरो जानत हैं सब संत । वह लोहा कंचन करै, ये कर लेई महंत ।।
25. पोथी पढ पढ जग मुआ पंडित भया न कोय ।
कबीर पढ़वा दूरि-कर पोथी देय बहाय ।
बावन आखर सोध कर रटै ममै चित लाय ।।
26. Westcott, G.H., op. cit. p. 44; 27. Kabir Granthāvali. pp. 18. 24,28, 28. हरि न मिलें बिन हिरदै सूध
साई सेति चाल चल औरों सो सुधभाय । भावै लम्बे केस कर भावै धरडि मुडाय ।।
Quoted in Kabir Ek Purnarmlyākan, (ed) Baldev Vanshi, Panchkula, 2006. p. 12
29. तू तू करता तू भया, मुझसे रही न हूँ।
बारी फेरी बलि गयी, जित देखूं तित हूँ।