Grantha Bhandars of Ajmer Division.
before the scholars and in this way the true position of Indian literature and specially of Jaina literature has remained unknown.
The Grantha Bhandărs of Rajasthan have been divided divisionwise, which are as follows:
Grantha Bhandars of Ajmer Division.
2. Grantha Bhandārs of Bīkāner Division.
3. Grantha Bhandärs of Jodhpur Division.
Grantha Bhandars of Udaipur Division.
5. Grantha Bhandars of Koţāh Division.
The Grantha Bhandārs of Ajmer Division include the Bhandärs of former Jaipur, Alwar, Bharatpur, Tonk states and Ajmer which has also been merged into Rajasthān from 1st November 1956.
The Grantha Bhandārs of Bikāner Division are lunited to only former State of Bikāner.
The Grantha Bhandars of Jodhpur Division include the Bhandārs of former Jodhpur and Jaisalmer states.
The Giantha Bhandārs of Udaipur Division include the Bhandārs of former states of Udaipur. Dungarpur, Bānswära and Pratăpgarh but at present there are no Grantha Bhandārs in Bānswāra and Pratāpgarh States, so Bhandărs of Udaipur and Dungarpur only have been discussed.
And the last of all, the Grantha Bhandārs of Kotāh Division include the Bhandārs of former States of Kotäh, Bundi and Jhālāwār
Jaipur and Alwar were the princely states of Rajasthān, which were never at war with the Moghuls as the rulers of these states remained always loyal to Delhi Emperors. Peace and tranquility, therefore reigned generally in these states for a long time. Tonk as an independent state was created in 1818 A.D. The rulers of this state treated their Hindū and Muslim subjects alike. In Jaipur, the Hindus and Jainas lived side by side for centuries and there was rarely a conflict on the question of