Material for Research
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After the curse of. Dvipayana Rişi, the Dvaraka City was totally burnt. The poet describes the same in the following manner:
सायर वाल्यु नयरी मांहि, तपि तेल जिम चडहड थाइ 1
पाप ॥ ८६ ॥ फिरि ।
नयर लोक ते करि विलाप, पूरब भवतु प्रगट्युं एक बलंता बुबार करि, बालक लेई एक नगरी एक कहिऊ गारु माइ, ए दुःख काया सह्य न जाइ ॥६०॥ एक मोह्या धन धरती धरि, एक लक्ष्मी रखवालां करि । क्षमा एक श्रसरण माचरि, ऐके एक क्षमापन करो
Madhavanala Prabandha was written by Ganpati son of Narsă, a nonJaina poet, The story af Madhavanala Prabandha is the famous love story of Madhava and Kamkandla on which several books are available. Ganpati, the author of the book completed this in the year 1527 A, D. The whole of the Prabandha is written in Doha metre and as such it increases the importance of the work. The total number of dohās is 2457.
The manuscript of the work is preserved in the Grantha Bhandar of Bündi. It is a manuscript written in the year 1596 A. D. by Laxmi Raja for his pleasure as well as for the study of Muni Kalyan Gani. The beginning and of the work are as follows:---
मयरण महामंड नाम
क्रू' प्रणाम 11211
श्रथ मन्मथ महाराजे नम || दूहा माधवानलना लिखोइ छइ कुअर कमला रति रमण, पकजि पूजि पथ कमल, सुर नर पुरवलो, लक्ष चुरामी लोम ब्रह्मा हरिहर कुमम शरि, जीराह जीता सोध ॥२॥ सीजइ चीतas, सेमवि चरण विहुउ कर वि कलि बाधी सहु, जिम सामल ज्यो सवि सृष्टि नुहु, कारण विश्व बधारना,
काज 1
करहा मुवि लाज ॥३॥ ए विए भावइ छे । श्रादि उपायु एह ॥४॥
नरसा सुत गरणपति कहद्द, मन सूघइ स्वामिन शारदा, पोतइ
थया ए माठ ।
पाठ 11.