Material for Research
नित ज्ञान मइ, यहु नित प्रशुचि सरीरु ।
घालि गवाया कु म महि, गगा केरा नीरु ।। १०७ ।।
This work was written by Srāvaka Cataru in Samvat 1571 (1514 A. D). He was the only son of Sirimala. He lived at Gwalior when Mahārājā Mansingh was the Ruler. It is a short work describing the marriage event of Nemi and Rajula. The work contains 45 verses. The last portion of the work in which the date of completion and the poet's account is given, is as follows.--
श्रावण सीरीमलु प्ररु जसवत, निहचे जिय धर्म घरत । चारु चलन भवि वदतौ । पुत्र एक ताके घर भयो, जनम नाउ चतरु तिन लियो । जैन धर्म दिदु जीयह धरो । सुनि पुरानु उर गानो कहे ||४३|| गढ गोपाचल उत्तिम ठानु । एक मोवन की लका जिसी ।
नेमि चरित ताकै मन रहे, मधि देमु सुख सयल निधान,
तोवर राउ सवल वरवीर, भुव वल प्रायु जु साहसधीर । मानमिह जग जानिये । ताक राज मुखी सब लोगु, राज समान करहिं दिन भोगु । जैन धर्म वहु विधि चलें । श्रावग दिन ज करें षट कर्म, निचं चितु लावे हि जिन धर्म ॥ ४४ ॥ संवत पद्रह दो गर्मी, गुन गुनहर्तारि ता उपरि मनो । भादौ वदि तिथि पचमी वारु t
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The work deals with the life of King Vikramaditya who was famous for his justice. This was composed by Nayanambudhi-pupil of Vacak Harşa Samudra in the year 1523. A. D. The total number of the stanzas is 606. The poetry is an ordinary one. It is collected in a gutaka of Jainn Mandir Terapanthi, Jaipur. The beginning and the end of the work are follov's:
देवि सरसति २ प्रथम परणमेव 1
· बोरणा पुस्तक धारिणी, चडवि हंसि सुप्रससि चल्लइ ।