Jalpa Granshs Bhandars in Rajasthan.
The manuscript of Kåvya Prakasa of Mammata written in the year 1158 A. D. exists in the Jaisalmer Bhandar. It was written in Anhilpattan when King Kumärpåla was the ruler. The end of the book is as follows:
समाप्तोऽयं काव्यप्रकाशः काव्यलक्षणम् । कृती: राजानकमम्मटालकयो: । संवत १२१५ अश्विन सुदी १४ बुधे मोह श्रीमदराहिलपाटके समस्तराजाबलीविराजितमहाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वरपरममट्टारक उमापतिवरलमप्रासादप्रौढप्रतापनिजमुजरणागणविनिजित शाकरिभूपाल श्रीकुमारपालदेवकल्याणविजयराज्ये पंडित लक्ष्मोधरेण पुस्तकं लिखापितम्।
The manuscript is on palm leaves.
The another manuscript of Kavyadarśa of Someśvar written on palm leaves is available in the Granth Bhandar of Jaisalmer and pertains to the year 1216 A.D. A very old paper manuscript also exists in the Amer Sastra Bhandar. Jaipur. One more commentary by Guna Ratan written on this book, is in the Hari Sagar Gyana Bhandar, Lohawat-Jodhpur.
The manuscript of Kävyä lankära composed by Kavi Rudrata with a commentary of Nemi Sadhu is available in Jaisalmer Bhandar. It is a copy on palm leaves of the year 1149 A.D. The end of the manuscript is as follows:
इति श्वेताम्बरविरचिते रूद्रटालंकारटिप्परपके चित्राध्यायः पचमः समाप्त। मंगलं महाश्री ।। संवत् १२०६ पाषढ बदि ५ गुरुदिने लिखितमिति । शुभमस्तु सर्वकल्याणं ।
Another manuscript on paper with a commentary of the same scholar, Nemi exists in the Amer Šāstra Bhandaar, Jaipur.
A manuscript of Vakrokui Jivila of Kuttaka Kavi written in 141h Century is preserved in the Grantha Bhandar of Jaisalmer at number 328. The manuscript is written on palm leaves.
Kavyalankara of Vāman with a commentary written by the author himself is available in the Grantha Bhandır of Jaisalmer at serial number 333. It is a palm leaf manuscript while the paper manuscript is at the Sastra Bhandar, Nagaur. It is a manuscript of 15th Century. A palm leaf manuscript of Kavya Mimânsă of Raja Sekhar written in the year 1159A.D. is in the Grantha Bhandar of Jaisalmer. The end of the manuscript is as follows:
तिसिद्धो महाकविः ॥छ।। इति राजशेखरकृती काम्यमीमांसायां कविरहस्ये प्रथमे:पिकरणे कालविभागो नाम समीक्षा अष्टादशोऽध्यायः ॥रा समाप्तं चेदं कबिरहस्य