Sewa Rāma Pātni was born in Dausa but afterwards settled down in Digacity of fountains-in the Bharatpur State. His father's name was Māyā Rāma. He was a Khandelwal and Patni was his Gotrā In V S. 1850 (1793 A.D.) he completed Hindi translation of Mallinatha Carita Originally it was written in Samskrit by Sakal Kirti. A manuscript written in the same year in which it was composed has been found in the Sastra Bhandar of Diga Sewa Rama Patni was also a good copyist and several manuscripts written by him are preserved in Granth Bhandars of Kima, Bharatpur and Diga. The work is still unpublished.
Jain Grantha Bhandais in Rajasthan
Jai Canda Chabra was a famous Rajsthani scholar. He was born in Samwat 1795 (1738 A D.) at Phagi, a town 24 miles south of Jaipur He began writing in 1804 A. D. and his last work seems to have been completed in 1817 A D. He wrote more than 15 works in Dhundhari language which is a part of Rajasthani All the works written by him are not original but translations from Samskrit and Prakrit works HIS works are very popular and their circulation is also wide In the Bhandars of Jaipur all the works written by him are found Some of the original copies written by his own hand are at present placed in the Sastra Bhandar of Jaina temple Bada Mandir, Jaipur.
Names of the works written by him are as follows
(1) Tattwärtha Sūtra Bhāsā (2) Dravya Sangraha Bhasa (3) Sawartha Siddhi Bhäså
(4) Asta Pahuda Bhāsa
(5) Samayasara Bhasa
(6) Swami Kartikeyanu Picksa (1863) (7) Aptamimansa Bhasa (1867)
1. मायाचन्द को नन्दन जानि, गौन पाटगी सुख को खानि । मेवाराम नाम ही सही, भाषा कवि को जानो हो । श्रत्यबुद्धि मेरी प्रति घरी, कविजन मो विनति इह भली । भूल चूक जो लेहु सुधारि इहि अरज मेरी अविधारि ॥ सवन् भ्रष्टादश शत जांनि, और पचास अधिक हो मानि ।
सोमवार के मांहि ॥
भादो मास प्रथम पक्षि माहि, पांचें तत्र वह ग्रन्थ सपूर्ण कीयो, कवि जन मन
वांछित फल
लियो ।