Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 61
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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115 - iruvattu rajakkalum nammal tanne "Living as we did as lords in the land of
Izham. Malayalam tannile kalariyallo
"In the kalaris of Kerala, Vettum payasrum natappillaññu "Because of the decadence in practices that
set in, Tulunâtçil34 nalla tuļu kurukkal "The Gurukkals (teachers) from Tuļunad Melayama sthånam kurukkalkkallo "Were overlords, occupying the highest rank."
Continuing, he narrates how Gurukkals from Kanara were displaced, and rank and position bestowed one after another upon his ancestors in recognition of their high culture, until they were the Asans of the four central kalaris and forty-two subsidiary ones Toduvôr kalariyil payarrum kalam “When it is the season for practices in Todu
vorkalari. Tudańnumból ayiram kittumalla “We get a thousand (fanams) at the start, Nirttumbôlayirattonnum kittum “And a thousand and one at the close. Karuttên&,36 naduvåsum tamburanu "For the ruling tambûrån of Karuttênår Udavalu pidikkonna kalariyane
"It is the kalari which carries the sword of
protection and honour. Mannalam 36 tali pirannidumbo! "When the season is on Mannalam tali payarruņdallo
"Begin the fencing feats and practices, Eriya sammanam kittum nokku' "And many a present we get Vilayêriya pattum mundum kittum "And costly silks and cloths. Kalariyil pāja kariññîţumbo!
"When the ceremonies at the kalari are over Kandatokke purappadundu
"A share we have in all. Kalariyil puja karikkunnêram
“When the worship at the kalari begins Chembola nôkki kafichchu kolu "Follow the directions in the copper-plate, Keikarmam onnum mudannarutu "Let not any of the ceremonies be neglected. Naduvâți deśavâți ettumallo
"The naduvdri and deśavári will be there; Náttuk&rokke sorumikkuņņi
"All the people will be there, my boy. Nêrohchakal kittunnatu chollikkata "There is no end to the offerings made, Kanan varunnavarkkaramilla
"And numberless are the men who come to see
the sight." He then recounts the great wealth accumulated by their forefathers and their father, and lastly by himself. He exhorts him to invite their only uncle to live with him as he has no son
Ammavan tanne marichchupoyal "If our unele dies, Ambádi kölôtte mênÔnmare
“The Menons of Ambadi kovilagam
34 Tulun .-Apparently refers to that part of the present district of 8. Kanara nearest to Malabar. The whole district of 8. Kanara formed in early days part of Northern Kerala, from Gokarnam to Perumpusa, between the modern Kundapur and the Caññirottu river.
36 This statement, that it was the kalari which had the honour of holding the sword in ceremonial processions of the ruling tamburdn of Kadettenåd, accords with the meaning of chekam as service chiefly around the king's person (vide Gundert, Malayalam-English Dictionary, 8.v.)
36 Mannalam, a period of 40 days' ceremonies and practices. These and the foregoing linee give as graphic a description as we can get of the kalaris-academies or gymnasia for physical culture and fencing practices, which were a fosture of Kerals in the past. These were the centre of interest to the whole locality and people from far and near resorted to them for physical culture and fencing exercises and training in all the arts of warfare. They were also centres of religious worship, as is seen from the many references in this and other songs to the importance of worship at the kalari, directions for which are carefully preserved on copper plates, and which should on no account be departed from. Worshippers make offerings at the kalaris to the deity that guards over their destinies, the kalari bharambhar, or the governing deity. For a fuller description of the kalari and the angam by the present writer, ae Man in India, vol. IX, p. 137 f.