Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 61
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 281
________________ INDEX Prehistoric Cave Art in India, Memoir. Archo r dsipanam (gold fonams) cm Ford Tanams) .. .. 11. 209 ological Survey of India, No. 24, by Rai Raverty, Maj., and the Panjab rivers 166, 167, 169 Sahib Manoranjan Ghosh (book-notice) .. 238 Ravi, riv., course of the .. .. 166, 169 prehistorie settlements in Cedrosia, evidence of 96 Rawlins, Capt. R. . . Sc. 173. 194 Pretender, the Old Se. 155, 156, 184 Raworth, John Se. 117, 118, 123, 136, 139, Prince Eugene .. .. Sc. 170, 183 141, 142, 144, 145, 148, 151, 157--159, 161 141. 149 14 Prince Frederick .. . .. Sc. 156, 162 Recovery .. .. .. .. .. sc. 182 Proby, Wm. So. 128, 129 Redshaw, Wm. .. .. .. .. Se. 162 pronunciation, and alphabets of M.I.A.Vs. Review of Philosophy and Religion (book-notice) 99 I.A.V. 57-68 Prosperous .. Se. 188, 189 Rhea, earth goddess pudamuri (chief Náyar form of marriage) 9, 10 Richards, F. J.. on Travancore Archaeological půga-phala (fruit of the areca-palm) and fufal 182 Department, Administrative Report .. 162 Pugh, J. .. .. .. Se. 169, 170, 197, 198 Rising Sun .. .. .. .. Sc. 119 Pulayans, a Wynad tribe .. .. .. 174 river courses of the Panjab and Sind .. 163–169 Pulo Aor (Awar, La Ore) isl. off Johore Sc. 119 Roche, Mr. .. .. .. .. Sc. 197 Punch (the beverage), and charebookhra .. 32 Rochester .. .. .. .. Sc. 119, 143 punch-marked coins (Indian) .. .. .. Roaen, Pastor, missionary in the Nicobar Punkah (H. parikha, large swinging fan), earliest isls. .. .. .. 38, 58 description of .. .. .. .. .. 33 Roundel (obsolete, the umbrella) early uses of Punsaros, Pasaare (H. paradri), Mundy's use of the word .. .. .. 33 the word .. Rşi Pir and Rupa Bhawani .. .. .. 127 Puránapañcalakrana, the.. be the .. 17 Rşis, the eight, and the gotras .. .. 70, 71 Puranas, the, and Punyamitra 102; geographical Rudradáman, inscrip. of.. .. .. .. 203 description of India in 160 Rupa Bhawani (a great hermitess of Kashmir), Purdeseo (H. pardell, foreigner), Barbuha's life of .. .. .. 127-134 use of the word 33 rupee, the, of Murshidabad 23 ; horsanna Sc. 145; Postapdla (official title) .. .. .. Surat .. .. .. .. .. .. Sc. 148, 150 Pusyamitra and Brahmanism .. .. 101, 102 Russell, J... .. .. .. .. Se. 143 putchuk (*costus root) So. 125, 149, 150, 152 Russon, J. .. .. .. . Sc. 186 Putton kotchies, a coarse cloth, perhaps so call. Ryan, Capt. A. A. .. . .. .. .. Sc. 143 od because made at Patan in Gujarat .. 31 Puttûram (Malayali house) .. . 112, 114 .. .. .. So. 154 * Pytchy' Raja, W. Kottayam prince 173, 196 33 Rai 888 (Se), Padre de .. Sc. 145, 148, 151 sacrifices, various 1-3; human 2, 3, 236; | buffalo, 143, 144 ; coromonial, relics of 231, Queen .. . Sc. 169, 170, 187, 200 233, 236 Sadd phal (of Babur, Citrus decumana) and the Pommelo .. .. .. .. .. 32 Sadgopas, the, and casto rules .. .. 61, 62 St. Andrew .. .. .. .. Sc. 151 ** St. George .. . Se. 184 St. Joha Leland (Changeharan) .. Bc. 117 St. Maros (Mar Mares) .. .. Raghananda (Udvdhatattva of), and caste St. Thomas in Parthia or India .. .. rules . .. .. .. .. 61, 62 sdís. See syce. adis. Raichur, battle .. .. Saks era, and its founder Raisin, formerly jdgir of the Maharajas of Saku language, where was it reduced to Jodhpur . .. . .. T ing! .. .. .. .. .. Raja Gopichand of Sebwin and Pir Patho Saka-matavihans history, problems of .. Rajputs, Katriyas 52 ; and marriage .. .. 85 Salem city, buffala sacrifice in .. .. Ralpasa-Tangadi (Tasikota) battle .. .. 218 sálů (twilled rod cotton) Ramaden, Mary . Be. 150, 152, 162, 163, 176 Samåcåradova, o.p. grant of . .. rangoos (beads of rough cornelian) So. 186 Samâna, tn., and Semianna .. .. :::: . . 159 : :


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