Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 61
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 338
________________ 166 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY (NOVEMBER, 1932 of London merchants, the receipt whereof I doe hereby acknowledge and my selfe to be therewith fully sattisfyed and thereof and of every part and parcell thereof doe clearly and absolutely acquit, exonerate and discharge the said John Scattergood and Thomas Harris their executors and administrators and every of them for ever by these presents: have granted, bargained and sold and by these presents doe fully and absolutely grant, bargaine and sell unto the said John Scattergood and Thomas Harris all the good ship or vessell called the Bonetta, of the burthen of three hundred and fifty tuns or thereabouts, now in the river of Thames, whereof John Harry is Commander, together with all and every the boat, oares, masts, sailes, sailyards, anchors, cables, ropes, cords, cordage, gunns, gunpowder, shott, provissions, tackle, apparell, necessaries and furniture whatsoever to the said ship or vessell belonging or in any wise appertaining, to have and to hold all the said ship or vessell and all other the above bargained premisses unto the said John Scattergood and Thomas Harris their executors, administrators and assignes to their own proper use and uses and as their own proper goods and chattles from henceforth freely and absolutely for evermore. And I the said Francis Sitwell doe hereby for myselfe, my executors and administrators, covenant, promise and agree to and with the said John Scattergood and Thomas Harris, their executors, administrators and assignes, joyntly and severally by these presents, that I the said Francis Sitwell have in my selfe and by my selfe good right, full power and lawfull authority to grant, bargaine, and sell all the said ship or vessell and all other the above bargained premisses unto the said John Scattergood and Thomas Harris, their executors, administrators and assignes in manner aforesaid: And that the same now are and be and soe from henceforth for ever shall be, remaine and continue unto the said John Scattergood and Thomas Harris, their executors, administrators and assignes, free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all and all manner of former and other bargaines, sales, gifts, grants, titles, troubles, debts, charges and incumbrances whatsoever heretofore had, made, comitted or done by me, the said Francis Sitwell or any other person or persons whatsoever by my meanes, act, consent or procurement. And that I, the said Francis Sitwell, my executors and administrators and every of them [have granted, bargained and sold] the said ship or vessell and all and singular other the above bargained premisses and every part and parcell thereof unto the said John Scattergood and Thomas Harris, their executors, administrators and assignes to their own proper use and uses and as their own proper goods and chattles against all people shall and will warrant for ever defend by these presents. In witnesse whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the [blank] day of [blank] and in the fourth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne (Lord) George by the Grace of God King of Great Brittaine &ca. Annoque Domini 1717. (Signed) FRANCIS SITWELL. [Endorsed] Bill of Sale from Mr. Francis Sitwell to Mr. John Scattergood and Mr. Thomas Harris of all the Bonetta. At the same time the insurance of the ship was effected between the 13th and 20th November for £2000" from her coming to an anchor at Gravesend to any port or place be. yond the Cape of Good Hope either in India or elsewhere, with liberty to proceed backwards or forwards either in India, Persia, Ba[n]gall or China for two years at tenn shillings per cent. per mensem and no longer." The names of nine insurers are added to the policy, seven of them in £200 each and the other two in £300 each.


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