Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 61
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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May, 1932]
Sell these for what you can gett. N 2. Lent to Mr. Dixon att respondentia on the Dolben .. .. 3. Lent to Capt. Bennett to Pegue 103 page. at 25 per cent which he has had
three years, therefore must pay 75 per cent.. .. .. .. .. He is now on shore, therefore make the best agreement you can; he tells me that before he goes he will clear the account or pay the most part
of it.(1) Lont to Manila under Padre de Saa 500 pags. at 30 per cent .. 650.
received .. .. .. 452. 22
197. 14
125. 1
which was to be paid last year with the respondentia and made the bar. gain that if he did not pay that year then he was to pay double res.
pondentia, but the Padrey will inform you about that affair. Remains of the Herriotts voyage to Surratt with Messrs. Weld and Harriott,
in the hands of Monsr. Hebert at interest; my share is 406 Surrat rupees at 330 per pagos. 100 [is] .. .. .. .. .. This [? There is some money that was left of the Harriotls stock with Weld and Heriott was super cargo's ; it was lent. tu the French att Surratt and they drew bills on Hebert att Pondicherry; he axcepted the bills but desired the money might lye att interest, and there it is still ; my share is as above. Lent at respondentia to England on the Arabella at 13s. 6d.
Per Pagoda.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 500 50 Per cent.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 250
- 750 Do. on the John and Eliz. at 14s. per pag. is .. .. 500 55 per ct. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 275
775 N 6. Adventure to Manila on Lewis Maderos consigned to Dec Pree, 3 bales of
piece goods, 3512) Surratt rupees, as per invoice .. .. 7. Adventure to Siam consigned to Cap. Powney 646 rups. 8. Concern'd in ship Ormond .. .. .. .. 9. Do. in the Brittania's stock() . 10. Lent to Mr. Gwynn(") at respondentia on said ship.. 11. Concern'd with my brother in the Barrington(') .. 12. Do. in the Sherbourne(5) .. .. .. .. 13. Sent to England on the Mercury(6) at respondentia at 138. per pagoda. 14. Sent to Batavia in the Mercury 8 chests of ophium to sell there, if sold before
the Europe China ship goes for China the money to be sent me, if not he is to take it at respondentia at 35 per cent : the ophium valued at 90
pags. per chest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. In the Governors() hands part of a chest of ophium being of a chest;
when he sells his ophium he will pay you the q[u]arter part. In Muttaballs() hands remains 3 bales of shawles qtg.
32. 19 ps. at 46 pa. per corge .. .. .. .. 1515. 22 the 3 bales package .. .. .. .. .. ..
3. -
500. 500. 400. 2000. 1000.1000.
1518. 22