Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 61
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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[13 Sept. 1715.] Received of John Scattergood the summe of five hundred Pagodas on account of his wives two children and three servants passage diet and accomadations on the ship Kent to England. Wittness my hand in Madrass this 13th Septr. 1715.
LAW. MINTER. With John Maubert, whom he left in charge of his affairs in India, Scattergood conccrrcd himself, before his departure, in a parcel of diamonds valued at 13,800 pagodas and also 500 pagodas in each of the ships Shah Allun (Shaallem) and George, both “ Country " ships. The former, commanded by Richard Williams, sailed for Bongal on 17 September, and the latter, commanded by Timothy Tullie, for Surat on 5 October (Fort St. George Diary). Scattergood also sent a consignmont of eagle wood by William Hamilton in the Mary for sale at Mocha.
For the fourth time Scattergood drew up a statement of his affairs to leave with his attorney, John Maubert.
[ - September 1715.) An Account of what money I have a broad and what left behind me in goods &c. and
what I carry with (sic) on the Kent to England with me Vizt. In Mr. John Mauberts hands a parcell of rubees as per in. voice ..
.. ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. 375. Mutaballa Chitte under me
.. .. .. . 68. 18. 306. 18. Lent Mr. Dixon att Respondentia . Captain Bennetts bond
103. - - Sent to Manella under Padre De Sa and he under the Gover
nor 500 with 30 per cent Respondentia .. I have been paid the first devidend
452. 22. (1) and the second .. .. ..
83. 30. 60. 536. 18. 60. 113. 17. 20. When the remains will be paid the Governor can informe you and Lewis
Maderas the Padres executors.(') Remains in the Herriotts voyago when Messrs. Wild (Weld) and Herriot was super cargoes . . . .. .. ..
125. - - In the French hands att Pondicherry 406 Surrat Rupees; the Governor talked
something about receiveing the mony in France ; pray taulk to the Gover.
nor about it and what you judge best that doe. Remains in England in Messr. James Wendy & Osmond Beavoir hands 237€ 78. in pagodas .. .. ..
527. 24. - Sent to Mooca with Captain Hamilton and Oldham() a chest of Agala wood, poiz. 75, valued att pagodas . . ..
100. In the Ormond stock, concern [ed) 500 pagodas. I have ben paid the 1st devi. dend, the remainder judge about.. ..
400 An adventure that Mr. Albert carried for Mrs. Gay which I bought the note("). Remains of the Britania Stock(') .. .. .. .. .. .. .. In the Sherbons Stook . .. Mr. Phepps left with Mr. Raworth and Boucher when he came away Tale 3000
to buy gold .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3000 Adventure to Maniella consigned to Dupree in goods to the amount of Rupees 35127 ... . .. .. .. .. . .
1091. Respondentia to England on the Mercurey with Captain Litton
1000. Respondentia with Mr. Orme .. .. .. .. .. .. ..