Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 61
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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WillcinsonJs. ..
So. 202 Wynad, ancient burials in the .. .. .. 22 Wilkinson (Wilkenson, probably Jan.). 8. 187 William .. ..
So. 186—188 Williams, Capt. R. ..
So. 148 Williamson, Js., Sc. 140, 160-152, 154, 175,
176, 179, 182, 185, 186, 191, 194 Wilson, Capt. ..
.. 8o. 188 Yaboo (horso from AfghАnistan), Foster's use of Wiltehore, Thos...
So. 149, 156 the word Wiltshire, Wm. ..
.. &c. 146 Yadava Varmans (Varmana) .. . .. Wima Kadphises and the Selena
.. 100 Yajfiavalleys
... 61, 64, 65 Winter, Capt J. . . .
So. 184 Ydjñavallya-amriti, containing the earliest Wirtemberg
So. 194, 200 mention of the term kaya tha, 43, 47, 50, 51, women, four kinds of, 149; an inquiry into their
63—56, 61 position in Hindu society 146–149; (Jaina) Yek, the animal reforrod to, but not named by
spiritual emancipation of .. .. .. 125 Fitch .. .. .. .. .. .. 95 Wood, Matt. .. ..
.. So. 115| Yala (Yeshtun) . Idea (Xellun) .. .. ..
.. Woodhouno, Steph. . .. So. 188, 189 Yasin, note on a find of ancient jewellery in, 103-108 Woolley, Thos. .. ..
So. 176—178 Yalovamman, Parampara .. .. .. 212-214 Woohor, A. C., and Lakshman Sarup, Thirteen Yeshkun, language of the Nagars of Hunze. Trivandrum Plays Attributed to Bhdea .. 921
Nigar .. .. .. .. .. .. 89 Wotton, Capt. Thou. .. 8o. 150, 152, 154, 155 Wright, Capt. R. .. .. .. sc. 170, 183 Wright, Mr. .. .. .. 8o. 120, 200 Wybergh, Capt. o. .. .. . .. Sc. 188 Wyche, Ber.
.. So. 128, 129, 134, 146 Wyobo, Geo. .. So. 184, 185, 129, 137, Zarvan, 8., and the Manichwans ..
140, 144, 149, 150, 152 sanana, Brahmans entering the .. .. .. 45 Wynad, notes on the cultural geography of the Zur Indiachen Apologetik, by Hanns Oertel 170—174, 195—197' (book-notice) .. .. .. .. ..
194. 195, 1
.. 200
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