Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 61
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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of Samacaradova
Sanjan Sena
Simhipura Tirunelli..
Isila (of the Siddapura edict) Izham (Ceylon) and the chekavars Izhavars and Ceylon
172 of Yasovarmadeva Paramara . 193 intonation in M.I.A.Vs. I.A.V. 75, 76 Iruvattunadu, early home of the chekavars 113 16âna (Isana-Nagara), author of the Advaita. prakása
I-shang-na-pu-lo (identifications suggested)
Jackson, Jos.
Jackson, Capt. P... Jaffna and Vijayanagara Jahangir and the maund
Jenkinson, Thos. ..
Jennings, Wm.
41 48 41, 50
Jains Sects, antiquity of the
Jalalpur and Alexander the Great Jardin, Capt. Villemont. See Villeaumont. Jateainga-Dungri (Sonpur State), plates of
Jayaswal, K. P., Airikina and Sanchi Jayavarman Paramara, Mahakumâra 192, 193,
227, 229 40 113, 115 113
Sc. 185, 200 Sc. 170, 194, 197-200 215, 219 5-8 121-126 184, 185
241 160
194, 212-214 Sc. 187, 188
Sc. 116, 128, 137
Sc. 196 103-106
jewellery, ancient, found in Yasin Jhelum, river 169; Alexander's passage of
John and Elizabeth Sc. 115, 133, 150, 154, 156 Johnston, E. H.
Beiträge zur Indischen Sprachwissenschaf und Geschichte
.. 160 .. 202 203-205 Sc. 115
Sc. 124, 137, 139, 159, 160 So. 187-189
Kumudvatiprakarana :
On the Ghosûndi inscription Jones, Ed.
Jones, Capt. J. Joseph
Joseph, T. K.
St. Thomas in Parthia or India? Areca, Leaf-nut
Journal of The Bihar and Orissa Research Society, vol. XVI, Pla. III and IV, September 1930 (book-notice).
Journal of The Bombay Historical Society,
vol. III, pts. I and 2 (book-notice) Journal of The Royal Asiatic Society, October 1931, on Tibetan Documents concerning Chinese Turkestan .. 201
159 182
Journal Asiatique, October-December 1930. references to India in
Journal Asiatique, July-September 1931, Mazdean Cosmogony and Cosmology Jamuna river
200 163, 165, 167, 168 90
Jung Shah, tomb of Junkceylon, isl.
Jyestha Kayastha (an official)
Sc. 126, 127, 132 43, 51
Kadars, Wynad tribe
174, 195
Kadattanad (in N. Malabar) and the Izhavars 113 Kafir jo hat (the infidol's shop) at Tharro, near Gujo
Kaimdi (Malabar, a chief)
87, 89 9-11 114, 115
kalari (gymnasium)
Kalari bharambhar (deity presiding gymnasia)
Kalhapa on the Kayasthas
Kali and the pig 2; and Selli-amman 149; and the gdydán, festival Kaliyuga, the
115 49-51
231, 235 .. 101 101, 102 Sc. 115
Kalki (Vienuyasas) advent of Kama Kuppa, kanakkapiļļai Kámasútra (Pâradarika section) of Vâtsyayana, on Brahmans entering the zenana 45, 46 Kammalans (artisans) and Chêraman Perumal 114 Ka-mo-lang-ka and Kamalanka (identification of) 227 Kanaladis, Wynad fire-walkers.. Kandar Kas (torrent bed in Salt Range) Kangdâ in the Sawalakh Hills (the old Nagarkot)
.. 195 184, 185
46, 68 11
kani (an auspicious sight) Kantakossula (of Ptolemy) near the mouth of the Krona
Kapilendra and Kapileévara of Orissa Kara, family of Orissa.. karana-kayastha meaning of the term karanika and Kayastha Karimbalans, Wynad tribe
187, 220 19 44 49 48
174, 195 Karnatak Historical Review, vol. I, notice of contenta .. 137 Kamiri language, epenthesis of vowels in I.A.V. 83, 84 Katherine (Catherine) .. Sc. 126, 127, 142 Kathiawar, Nagar Brahmans of 41, 45, 62, 63,
Kayastha, suggested original meaning of the 47, 51-53 Kayasthas of Bengal and the Nagar Brahmana 41-55, 61-72 Sc. 187-189
Keble, Capt. Wm.