Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 61
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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Mahabharata, The Southern Recension, critical.
ly edited by P. P. Sastri (book-notice).. 119 Mahacampa (Chan-p'o of I-tsing), identification
of Mahloetiya, the Great Stúpa .. 186, 191, 192 mahdksapatalika, use of term .. .. .. Mahåvirs, and the practice of nudity 121-124;
and marriage . . " ** Mahipala (Devaraja) .. .. .. Mai Gaphi (the 'Red Lady') .. .. Malabar 170—172 ; and Tipu Sultan .. malaria in Nancowry penal settlement .. Malayalam household customs .. .. Malayalis, the, and the Wynad .. .. .. 172 Malwa, conquests of .. .. 192, 213, 214 Man, Mr. E. H., and the Nicobar isls., his report on the Penal Settlement on Nancowry 56,
57-59, 155-158 Manasa, I., and the Nagar race.. .. 68, 70 Måndháta, c.p. inscrip. of Devepala .. .. 194 Mannalam (period of ceremonies) .. .. 115 Manoranjan Ghosh, Rai Sahib, Prehistoric
Cave Art in India .. .. .. .. 238 Manu, on woman .. .. .. .. 147, 148 MSS., important find of early birch-bark, near
Gilgit, by Sir Aurel Stein 60 ; Sanskrit .. 138 Margaret
Sc. 125 MAri-amman (village deity) .. .. .. 143 Mari Morari
. .. . 86, 89,90 Markanda riv. .. .. . .. 164, 166 Marlbro', Marlborough . .. Sc. 128, 159, 161 marriage, NAyar forms of 9, 116, 150; among
the Kayasthas 53-55, 61, 62, 71, 72; and woman's position in society 145; eight Hin.
du forms of 146, 147; Malayali forms of .. 195 Marshall, Sir John, Archaeological Survey of
India, Annual Report for the Year 1926-27 . 79 Martin, Capt. J. .. . .
Sc. 170 Martin, Capt. .. .. Sc. 155; (M.) Sc. 159 Mary .. Sc. 128, 148, 151, 154, 157,
187, 200 Mary Ann, galley
.. .. Sc. 194 Mathews (? Matthews), Sir G... Sc. 120, 124 Maubert, John .. Sc. 132, 136, 137, 144, 145, 148, 150, 152, 153, 157, 158, 162–164, 168,
173, 176, 187, 188, 191, 194, 197—201 maunds, Indian Agra (two)
.. 24, 25 Akbari Arab (= 2 ritz)..
.. 8, 24 artillery Bâbur's 'maund of Hind'
6, 7, 8 Balasore 'bazaar' Bengal .. Bengal"(near Hügli) Bihar Delhi 'factory .. of Garhsir |
.. 8
Gujarat Hindustani
..5-8 Hügli
23, 24 från
5, 7, 8 of Iraq
5, 6 of Jahangir
6-8, 23 of Khurasan
5, 7, 8 of Meghna, and E. of..
23—25 official ..
.. 24 Patna .. of Qandahår .. Sh&hjahâni
.. 23, 24 Southern of Tabriz
.. 8 Wilâyat Mauryas, the (Moris) ..
.. .. 66 Meeke, Adrian .. .
Sc. 144, 190 Megasthenes en de Indische Maatschappij by
Barbara C. J. Timmer .. .. .. .. 80 Mohi-damb, prehistoric settlement at .. 96, 97 Mellish, Job .. .. .. Sc. 172, 175, 178 Memoirs of The Archæological Survey of India,
Nos. 37, 42, by Sir Aurel Stein .. .. 180 Mercury .. . Sc. 131, 133, 147, 148 Moriah sacrifice, the . .. Mesopotamia and Mohenjodaro, links between 79, 80 metathesis of vowels in I.A.Vs. .. I.A.V. 82 Mewras (Meorae), natives of Mewat .. .. 95 Middleton, Phil... ..
.. Sc. 139 Middleton, Capt. Wm. .. .. .. Sc. 188 Minter, Capt. .. Sc. 147, 148, 150, 152, 154 Missionaries, Moravian, and others, in the
Nicobar isle. .. .. .. 38, 57, 58, 156 Mlecchas, the 101 ; and Pusyamitra .. .. 102 Mo-ha-chan-p'o (identification of) . 227, 229 Mohenjo-dero and Mesopotamia, links between
80 monogamy
. . . . . . . . . 147 Monson, Sir Henry . . Sc. 181, 183 moon, the, and female divinities .. .
.. 17 Moors (Muhammadans) ss freighters, compen.
sation not allowed to .. .. .. Sc. 151 Moreland, W. H., C.S.I., C.I.E., Megasthenes en
de Indische Maatschappij (book-notice) .. 80 Moris (Paramára sub-division, the Mauryas) .. 66 Morrice. .. .. .. .. Sc. 164, 200 Mother Goddess,' and the earth-goddess, 97;
and the gdydány festival . .. 231-236 Mountague, Ed... ..
. .. Sc. 128, 129 Muhammadans and the Jainas 126; (Moore) So. 151 múla-vigraha (cell-image)
. .. 143 Mulla Mauj Darya and Darya Pir .. .. 88
23, 24
Nadapuram (ancient Nagapuram) ndd uvdri (Malabar, ruler of a nad) Någa dynasty, and the Airikinas Någa worship in Kashmir
.. .. 207 10, 114, 116 .. .. 160 .. 68, 69
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