Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 61
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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Buddhist std pa, romains of, in Tor.dhérai . 181 buffalo sacrifice in Salem city .. .. 143, 144 Bulkley, Ed.
.. Sc. 128, 136 bull, humped, figures of, found in Makran .. 97 Bulletin de l'École Française d'Extreme Orient,
Tome (XXIX), (1929), (book-notice).. .. 162 burial, urn-burial and cist-burial in S. India
21, 22, 197 Burkitt, M. C., Prehistoric Cave Art in India (book-notice) .. ..
.. 238 Burn, Sir R., A Study of Ancient Indian Nu.
miomatics (book-notice) .. . .. Burniston, Car. .. Burniston, Ch. . Sc. 130, 156, 166, 173, 199 Burniston, D. .. Sc. 116, 128, 130, 146 Burniston, J. . . . . ..
. . .. Sc. 131 Burniston, S. .. . .. Sc. 115, 181, 182, 184 Burud, NE. of Satajuna, and Vadauda .. 214 Bussorah Merchant
.. Sc. 115, 134
tice (book-notice)
Sc. 156
Calicut Merchant .. ..
.. Sc. 162 Calukyas of Gujarat and the Paramâras of
MAlwa . .. 192—194, 213, 214 Cambridge
.. .. Sc. 160, 162, 200 Campbell, Hugh .. .. .. .. Sc. 189 Canakya on woman Candragupta II, Mathura pillar inscrip. of .. 117 * Captain Chinaman.' See Chan Younqua. Cardigan
.. . So. 147, 150, 164, 170 Cardoza (Curdotar), Fran. .. Sc. 187, 188 Carneryon
.. .. Sc. 182 Cartlitch, Wm. Sc. 168, 170, 175, 176, 198, 200 Cartlitch, Wm., jun. .. .. Sc. 198, 200 Catcha, ketchies (coarse cloth) .. .. .. 31 Catherine (Katherine). .. .. Se. 127, 158, 162 cattle (corn and pig, connection between) and
the gdyddar festival . 1-3, 231, 235, 236 coromonial dances of the Sinhalese .. .. 19 Corne, Father, S.J. .. .. .. sc. 162 Ceylon, the Vijayanagara conquest of 215–
219, 223—227 Ceylon Journal of Science, Section G., vol. II,
Part 2, Archæological Summary, by A. M. Hocart .. ..
.. .. 160 Chakrabortty, S. R., A Study of Ancient Indian Numismatics ..
.. .. .. 242 Chamatkarapura (Vadnagar) and the Nagars 62 Chamba copper plates, and the term karang.
kdyastha .. Chamberlayne, Fran. .. Sc. 151, 175--178,
182-184, 198
Champinge (massage), use of the word by Mundy 91 Chàmtisiri, Ikhâku princess, and the Maha.
cetiya at Nagarjunakonda .. 186, 191, 102 Chan Younqua (Captain Chinaman) Se. 137,
132, 142, 189-191, 193--195 characters used for L.A.Vs. .. I.A.V. 66 Charebockhra (a strong drink), Mundy's use of
the term Charles XII of Sweden .. .. Charlotte ..
.. Sc. 190, 194, 196, 201 Charpentier, Jarl
Indices and Appendices to The Nirukla .. 161 Critical Studies in The Phonetic Observations
of Indian Grammarians . .. .. 201 Thirteen Trivandrum Plays Attributed to Bhdec
. .. . .. 221 Chautang river and the Jumna .. .. .. 168 chekavar (hired combatant) 12, 72–74, 113, 208 che kor. See chikavas. Chon ab river, course of the .. . 166, 169 Chéraman Perumal, k., and the chékavaya
113, 114, 152 Chotput, Madras, ancient soak-pits at .. 21-23. Chetti Brothers, Madras merchants Sc. 116,
119, 128, 132-136, 148-150, 152 Chettis and Edanadan Chettis, Wynad tribes
174, 196-197 Child, Mr. J.
.. .. Sc. 121 Child, Sir R. .. Sc. 169, 186, 187, 200 child sacrifice. See human sacrifice. Chinnapatam
.. Sc. 115 Chopard, missionary to Nicobar islands Chundraconaes (muslin), and Chandrakona .. 31 Cintra prasasti of Sarangadeva ..
. ..
.. 117 civilization and the status of women .. .. 145 Clarke (Clerke), Jarvis ..
.. Sc. 165 Clarko (probably), Jarvis . . So. 121 Clarke, Capt. J. .. .. .. Sc. 139, 159 Clif, Capt. ..
.. Sc. 153 Cocks, Leo
.. se. 197-200 coffee grown in the Wynad .. .. 171, 196 coffolo and foufel .. ..
182 coinage in India .. .. .. 242 coins, bearing Brahman Kayastha sumames
64 ; Persian, from Mari Morari 86; of Era.
kana 159 ; from Nagarjunakonda .. .. 186 Cojee Petrus (Khwaja Petrus) . . 8c. 115 Cole, Wm.
.. Sc. 128, 129, 156 Colebrooke, Wm... . 8c. 176, 176, 197, 198 Collett, Capt. J... .. 8o. 128, 129, 131 Collett, Jos.
.. .. . Sc. 143, 190 Concord
Bo. 117, 118 concubinage
.. .. 148 conshin (red sandal wood)
... So. 192 consonante, conjunct, in M.I.A.V. ..I.A.V. 87 convicts in the Nicobar isls.
.. 168–168 Conyers, Sir G. ..
Bc. 157 Cooke, Thos. ..
So. 190 Cooper, J.
So. 148, 181, 187