Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 61
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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edicts of Asoka, recent discoveries of 39. See
also inscriptions. Elizabeth
Sc. 146, 176 Elwick, N... Sc. 188 English, the, take possession of the Nicobar isls.
English, Mrs.
Enthoven, R. E., C.I.E.
Selections from The Peshwa Daftar, Nos. 1 to 12, 40; Nos. 13, 14, 15.. Review of Philosophy and Religion, vol. II, No. 1, March 1931.. epenthesis (umlaut) of vowels in M.I. A.Vs.
I.A.V. 82-86 Epigraphia Indica, vol. XX, pt. 1 (Jan. 1929), (book-notice) Epigraphic Notes and Questions (contd. from vol. XLII, p. 258) .. 101-103 159
Eraka, Airaka (a serpent) Eran, vil., in Korwal in Malwa, the Svabhoga159 pura of Samudra Gupta Essex Sc. 168-170, 172, 193, 194, 202 1 Esthonia and the boar sacrifice.. Europeans and the Nicobar isls. 38, 56, 58 Evans, John, Bp. of Bangor and Meath Sc. 156, 164
zaq's mention of the article
Farmerie, Kath.
Favochio, Manuel
38 Sc. 163
figurines, terracotta, from Makrân Firuz Tughlaq, his issue of the pie
Forbes, Arabella
Forbes, Frances
Forbes, Francis
Fa-la-na (of Hsuan-tsang), identification of.. 182 Falkenbridge Sc. 162
family, five stages in the history of the 145, 148 fan (portable) of Khatai [Cathay], 'Abdu'r-raz
33 Se. 161, 180-185 Sc. 138, 139 Sc. 175 Sc. 128, 129
Feake, Sam.
Febos, John (Joam) Gomes Fenwick, Ed. Sc. 117, 118, 121, 122, 136, 140,
143, 158, 159, 161, 163, 164, 180, 184, 186, 198,
200, 201 96-98 31 Sc. 130
Sc. 173, 174
Sc. 173, 174
Sc. 115, 116, 120, 124,
foufel (areca)
182 Foulkes (Faulks), Mr. Robt. ..Sc. 140, 150 Four, and multiples of four, computation by . 18 Fowke, Randall (or Randolph)
Francia, Ben.
Sc. 185, 197, 198 Sc. 154, 155 Sc. 128 So. 141
Fraser (Frasier), Wm. Frederick
Frederick, Thos...
fufal (Ar.) and púga-phala
125, 128 182
Fu-nan (Poh-nan of I-tsing), identification of 229, 230
funeral customs in Makrân, evidence of Futteh Islam, attacked by the Nicobar Island.
Gaia, earth gooddess Galathea, Danish corvette Gangeya era, initial date of the Ganora, vil., and Gunaura
ganton, guntin (gantang, a Malay measure) Sc. 195, 196 gárái vrata (also gdru vrata), a form of worship by women.. 231-236 45, 46 2 100
Gauda, the Brahmans of Gauri Devi and the pig.. Gautamiputra Satakarni and Vikramaditya Gavimath and Palkigundu Inscriptions of Asoka, by R. L. Turner, M.C. (book-notice). Gay, Susanna
220 Sc. 135, 148 gdyddar festival 1-3, 231-236 Gedrosia, Sir Aurel Stein's exploration in .96-99 gender, the neuter, in Hindi dialects. I.A.V. 100 geography, cultural, of the Wynad, notes
170-174, 195-197 George Se. 148, 149, 151, 188 Ghaggar, riv. 163-165, 167 Ghosûndi inscription of the second century
Grey, Mich. Grifeth, Miss
Gill, Capt. Wm. Glegg, Capt. H. Glover, Sam.
203-205 Sc. 176 Sc. 164, 170 Se. 141 1
Goalas, Bihari, and the pig sacrifice Godfrey, Peter Godfrey, Capt. Peter
Se. 169, 170, 200 Sc. 142, 170, 199, 200 gods of the Nat Hlaung temple (Pagan, Burma) 175-179, 197-200 214 Godurpura and the ancient Gunapura gold, in the Wynad 196; Chinese method of Sc. 122 assaying 159
Gondophares of Taxila and St. Thomas
goont, tangun, q.v.
gotra (and drea), note on the words 61; the 70, 71 system Sc. 118 Gough, Capt. H. grab (Ar. ghurdb, square-rigged Arab vessel) Sc. 130 Grainger, Capt. R. Sc. 147, 150, 152
8c. 129, 131 Green, Capt., hanged on a charge of piracy Sc. 156 Sc. 149, 151 Greenough (Greenhaugh), Capt. Sc. 124 Bc. 168
: :
38, 58
237 214