Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 61
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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[OCTOBER, 1932
the favour of Jayavarman.10 Lakşmivarman does not appear in it among the succoeding rulers. He is merely referred to in the concluding line of the inscription
as the father of Hariscandra. E. The Bhopal grant of the Mahakumara Udayavarmadova, 11 dated V.S. 1256= 1199 A.D. The kings referred to are
P.M.P. Yasovarman.
P.M.P. Jayavarman.
MahAkumára Lakşmivarman.
Mahakumara Udayavarman. It is stated that after the conclusion of the reign of Jayavarman, Lakşmivarman obtained the sovereignty for himself by force of arms." He was succeeded by Hariscandra's son Udayavarman. Hariscandra is not mentioned here as a successor
of Lakşmivarman, but merely as the father of Udayavarman. F. The inscription of Arjunavarman, king of Dhara, dated 1210, 1213, 1215 A.D.13 The podigree is given thus
Arjunavarman, Here Yasovarman's successor is given as Ajayavarman, and not as Jayavarman. G. The Mandhata plate of Devapala, 16 dated V.8. 1282=1225 A.D. The genealogy given
here is the same as that in A., with the additional information that Arjunavarman was succeeded by Devapala, the son of Hariscandra. In his Harsauda grant 16 Devapala assumes the title Samadhigata-pañca-mahd-sabda, which connects him with the MahAkumAra family. Hence there can be no doubt that his father Hariscandra was the same person as the son of Lakşmivarman.
(To be continued.) 10...$ri.Yatovarmmadeva-pdddnudhydta-parama-bhadraka-mahdrdjddhindja parametara-Art-Jayavarmmadeva ity elaamde prafhalama-prabhph praaddad dvd pla-nijadhipatyah samasta-prasastopeta-samadhigata. panca-mana sabdalam kdra-virdjamana-maha-kumdra-Sri-Hariscandra-devah........iti sa-hasto 'yam-mahd. kumdra-Sri-Lakamfuarmadeus-mata-mahdlumdra-871-Hariscandra-dewa-Parandra.kula kamala-kamala bandhoh (JASB., vol. VII, pp. 737, 739.)
11 1.A., vol. XVI, p. 262.
13 ... Jayavarmadeva-ndjye vyatite nija-kara-kata-karaudla praedddudpta-ny.ddhipatya-samasta pradas to peta-samadhigata-panica-mahd-david(od)dla 7)kedra-vindjamana-mahdkumdra-Artmal-Lakaviarmmadeva-pada.
-prasastopeto-aamadhigala-pallog-mand-avd(bojalambdro-vindjam(a)nd-mandlendra-SrHaridoandra-dewa-auta-Srimad Udayavarmadevo vijay-oday. (1.4., vol. XVI, p. 254.)
18 JAOS., vol. VII, pp. 25, 32; JASB., vol. V, p. 378. 16 E.I., vol. IX, p. 108.
15 1.A., vol. XX, p. 310.