(32) châvun (causal of tabi cho by us: 3 sg. m.
4 chovun, by him,
(33) 44 chhalun, to wash; sor. 3 pl. m. 4 chhalin, by him.
[JULY, 1898.
cheun, to drink), to give to drink; 1 sg. m. bo, by you 2 g. m. 4 chovu tog
(34) chhakun, to scatter; aor. 1 sg. (impersonal) chhokut, by thee.
(35) tsárun, to collect; aor. 3 pl. f. tsûrek, by them.
(36) isáhun, to taste; aor. 3 sg. m. tami teuh, by him [should be tsóh].
tsotun, by him.
tsatun, to cut; to pluck, gather; aor. 3 sg. m. tsalun, to flee (dative of person from); aor. 3 sg. tagli, with suffix toglie.
m. Ja tsol : 3 pl. m.
chhokum, by me;
(39) 18hunun, to throw; with JU nali, on the neck, to dress, to put round somebody's (dative) neck; with 1 trôvit (3 trávun, to abandon), to throw
márun, to kill), to kill; with
away, to pour out, to let go; with kadit (kaḍun, to drag), to drive out, to expel, to tear out, to persecute; with si nád, voice, to call, to name; with tsatit (teafun, to cat), to cut off; with
khet (tekhyun, to eat), to eat
; tohi tehhuncam, by you to me هر چهنوم تم و چهنگی :
up; aor. 3 sg. masc.
timav tshunhas, by them to him; 3 sg. f. 3 timav tehhun, by them :
چه ; tehhunik, by them چهنك ; timan tehhune, by them تمرهن .pl. m 3
tehhunin, by him.
(40) doburávun (causal of 5 doburun, to bury), to get buried; aor. 3g. f. doburbeak, by them.
(41) dapun, to say, speak (dative of person addressed): aor. 3 sg. (impersonal) toi dep (dep), by him; dopun, by him; timar dopus, by them to him, dopnas, by him to him; dopak, to them; dophas, by them to him; ela dophak, by them to them; tami dopuk, by him to them.
42 [So Elmslie. We should expect teh.]