Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 27
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 376
________________ 368 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [DECEMBER, 1898. Gujarat Vernacular Society. He was an Honorary Member of the American Oriental Society (1887), of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (1895), of the Imperial Russian Archaeological Society, and of the Anjuman-i-Punjab. He was appointed a Knight of the Prussian Order of the Crown (III Class) in 1872, a Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire 1st January, 1878, and Comthur of the Order of Franz-Josef, and was nominated K. H. Hofrath in 1889, and Honorary LL.D. of Edinburgh in 1885. Literary Works. He wrote his Inaugural Dissertation on the Affix tys, Göttingen, 1858. He contributed papers to: -- Benfey's Orient and Occident, Journal of the Philological Society (London), 1859-1863; Journal of the Bombay and Bengal Asiatic Societies and of the Madras Literary Journal, 1863-1867; to the Indian Antiquary, 1872-98; to the Epigraphia Indica, 1888-1898; to the Vienna Journal für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, 1886-95. Together with Sir Raymond West he published the Digest of Hindu Law Cases, Part I., Bombay, 1867, Part II., 1869, second edition, 1878, third edition, 1881. He edited the Panchatantra with English Notes (Nos. 1 and 3 of the Bombay Sanskrit Series), 1868, second edition, 1881, third edition, 1881, fourth edition, 1891; the Åpastambiya Dharmasútra, Bombay, 1868-71, second edition, 1892-94; a Catalogue of Sanskrit MSS. from Gazerat, 1872-73; the Dasakumiracharita with English Notes, Bombay, 1873, second edition, 1887; the Vikraman kacharita with an Introduction, Bombay, 1875; & Detailed Report of a Tour in Kashmir, Bombay, 1877; the Paiyalachchhinamamála, Göttingen, 1878; the Sacred Books of the Aryans, Vol. 1., Oxford, 1879 (second edition, 1897), Vol. II., 1883; Leitfaden für den Elementarcursus des Sanskrit, Wien, 1883; Indische Paleographie (in the Encyclopedia of Indo-Aryan Research), Strassburg, 1896; Inscriptions from the Caves in the Bombay Presidency in' Dr. Burgess' Archeological Reports or Western India, Vols. IV. and V., London, 1883; Erklärung der Asoka Inschriften in the Journal of the German Oriental Society, 1883-93: Paleographic Remarks on the Hrinji palm-leaf MS. in the Anecdota Oxon., Aryan Ser. I, 3. 1884; The Laws of Manu, translated, S. B. E., Vol. XXV., 1886; Translations of the Dhauli and Jangada versions of the Asoka Edicts in Archeological Reports for Southern India, Vol. I., 1887. His publications in the "Schriften der Wiener Akademie der Wissenschaften" are the following: (a) Uber eine Sammlung von Sanskrit und Prakrit Handschriften, 1881; (6) Übercas Alter des Kaśmirischen Dichters Somadeva, 1885; (*) Über eine Inschrift des Königs Dharabena von Valabhi, 1888; (d) Uber eine neue Inschrift des Gujara Königs, Dadda II., 1887; (e) Über eine Sendraka Inschrift, 18€7; () Über die Indische Secte der Jainas, 1887; (g) Uber das Navashasankachrita des Padmagupta, 1888; (h) Das Leben des Jaina Mönches Hemachandra, 1889; (9) Über das Sakrita-samkirtana des Arisimha, 1889; (1) Die Indischen Inschriften and Das Alter der Indischen Kunst Poesie, 1890; (5) Indian Studies No. I., The Jagadůcharita of Sarvananda, 1892; (1) Indian Studies No. II., Contributions to the History of the Mabábharata, 1892; Indian Studies No. III., On the Origin of the Brahma Alphabet, 1895 (Second edition, 1898). BÜHLER AS A COLLECTOR OF MSS. BY PROF. ERNST LEUMANN, STRASSBURG. It is generally not known or scarcely noticed to what an extent the history of any scierce is dependent on the local distribution of its materials. When a town or country shows some predilection for this or that branch of research we are, at first, inclined to find the reason in some local or patioval instinct, or in the efficacy of the teaching and writings of some scholar, who may be considered to be the local genius. And this inclination is strengthened by the undoubted facts that there are such things as local schools of science as there are of art, and that nationalities do tend towards different standards in science and art. This does not,


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